1988 School Magazine

On the Reunion Day rnembers of the Old Cirls' Association were also pleased to see the original school Honour Board beautif ully restored and the new Flonour Board erected to record the nannes of recipients of the Lilley Cold Medal. Their generous donation of over $8000 allowed this work to be done. Katherine and Margaret N.4ittelheuser again supported the Artist-in-Residence program. During the f irst month of second semester we were privileged to have a sculptor, Jan King, working in the school. N4s King cut, welded and ground mild steel and steel rods to form the sculpture "Bieaker" which is now located in the garden area at the entrance to the Cehrmann Theatre. Students were able to observe the development of the sculpture and Ms King addressed groups of girls f rom all year levels to explain tFe techniques involved. With the use of slides she was able to provide a thorough insight into her approach to the design process.

Rev. Genaldime Wheeler"

Ai the several reunions held this year, over 300 old girls have come back to the school, with the last reunion being organised by the Old Girls'Association. On this occaiion the Board of Trustees recognised the immense ,::ntribution of the Association to the development of ribrary resources. A plaque was unveiled to commemorate this contribution and, at the same time, tire Chairman of the Board named the Language/Library Building after Miss Kathleen Lilley, an old girl of the school ind Headmistress from 1925 to 1952. Miss Lilley took an active interest in the development of the school library, and indeed donated many of her own books. The occasion also provided the opportunity for the l-ibrary itself to be named after Miss Sophia Beanland, l-{eadmistress from 1BB2 to 1889, who initiated the development of the first library in her first year in the school.

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