1988 School Magazine
Earlythis year an Imbil Committee was established undei the chairmanship of Mr Peter Wilson. This enthusiastir: ancl committed group of fathers has taken responsibilit;r for improving the environment at the centre by planting trees, clearing selected areas and laying pathways. The school greatly appreciates this support and not only thanks the men involved, but also their families foi enabling them to give so much time to the school. I generous donation of a vehicle for use on the site was also gratefully received from Mr Grant-Taylor, a parent of the school. Donations such as this, combined with positive support {or the concept of Outdoor Education, will enable us to provide a centre which will be at the foref ront of such developments in the education of girls. The lmbilcommunity has greeted the development in a very positive and constructive manner and we are particularly fortunate to have such helpful neighbours, Mr & Mrs Barnes, who have so generously supported the project over the past few years. Support from the various voluntary groups within the school has not ended wilh the support given to the Outdoor Education Centre. The Mothers'Croup, under the presidency of Mrs Glerida Costello, continued their active support of the school. Their monthly meetings attracted a large number of mothers who then volunteered to help on school day, with the Year Ien Dancing Classes, and on the Year Eight Enrolment Day. The donation of blinds to the new classrooms in the Gehrrnann Euilding was made possible through thein fundraising efforts and has been much appreciated by staff and students. The Fathers' Group, likewise, actively continued to support the school and completed the landscaping at the front of the main Administration building. They also planted a very Iarge number of trees in the running track area and along the boundary with the railway line. As well as this a number of working bees resulted in the front footpath area being greatly improved. The Parents and Friends' Association lnc., which administers the Tuckshop, the Clothing Shop and Bookroom, provided funds for a variety of resources for the school, including a safety vehicle and boat for lmbil, audio-visual equipment for the Media department and Hymn Books for use in Assembly. The voluntary support f rom all of these groups, as well as from the Music Committee and various sporting clubs within the school, not only allows parents active involvement in their daughters' education, but also helps to reduce the inevitable yearly increase of fees. The Annual Service of Praise and Thanksgiving was held in March at St John's Cathedral and this year we welcomed the Reverend Geraldine Wheeler, an old girl, as our guest preacher. Many old girls are actively involved in the school. The four women members of the seven member Board of Trustees are all past pupils, and there are sixteen f ormer pupils on the teaching staff. Many more past pupils are involved in team coaching, music teaching and various other activities which occur throughout the year. 6
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