1988 School Magazine

ARTSFACTS'EE ,Anotl-rer year has whirled by in the Art Department and we have only just noticed it. it has been a year for participating in exhibitions. paintings by N4iranda Patten and itohyn-Jane Taylor wenI into the Annual National Art Award exhibited in ihe Conrmonwealth Bank in Adelaide Street. We contributed to the Excellence in Youth Art Exhibition at St Faul's School, Bald Hills, in August with a large selection of linoblocl< prints, drawings, paintings and ceramics by girls of all year levels. Our regular exhibitions of student work in the school Staff Centre draw both enquiring and admiring comments from staff and visitors. Cirls were invited to submit designs for a medal to be awarded annually to the best student of Fnglish at Hirayama Gakuen. The prize for the best medal design yy25 $'100 worth of Art Materials and was awarded jointiy to Jacqueline lliff and Katrina Odgers, both of Year FIeven" The highlight of the year was our own very successful first ,Sfficial Student Art Exhibition. A number of pasr students f rorn 1984 on were invited to exhibit their works and we were delighted to have a dozen contributions of an excellent standard. The guest speaker for the official opening was well- known Erisbane artist, lrene Amos. During the evening student hostesses served ref reshments to guests and the String Ensemble provided a delightful musical backgnound. The Exhibition continued the next day in conjunction with School Day. lt was such a success that we plan to make it an annual event. I.ATNN Despite popular belief, Latin is not just for the intel- lectually elite; however, looking at the remarkable talent in the Year Twelve Latin Class of 19BB you could be led to think differently. For those of yo, riill struggling with ''amo, a,rnas, amat", take heart, one day you'll think how easy it ail was. There are also other delights in store - V.l.p. treatment at Expo in both the Pavilion of the Holy See and f rom Leo in the blue and white Creek pavilion. (For those who don't know, blue and white are the colours of the Aegean). The crowds of people, mouths gaping, grouped around us as we f lawlessly translated copious Latin. \4/e have also hit the heights with Hannibal, clescended into the depths with AEneas, grappled with Srammar and tangled with translation and are still alive (lust I 1. Congraiulations to grades eight, nine and ten on eventually getting a classroom you can call your very olt,n. You're one up on us. from the crade t;5;: Latin Class

Sfiudenfi Art Exhihition

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