1988 School Magazine
The silent screams of Hiroshima Echo through the years. The radiation scars remain, The wounds are slow to heal. Who will soothe the barren tears That well up in the soul? Who'll release the unspoken f ears, That fester when untold? Even the sickly mushroom cloud Can't dull the blinding light And the gentle, eternal sun Won't end the n uclear n ight.
Jackie Morris
A. Ftraisted (Yea r 12)
[-atrgo . . , SIuggish, dawdling, listless, dragging, Prolonged, heavy, lifeless, sagging, Breathing evenly deep and slow, lshould have been up ten minutes ago. Ftrest@ . . . Speed, rush, hasten, h urry, Dash, scramble, d art, scurry ! Hyperventilating on the run, lcan't stop until everything's done. Adantc. o. Saunte (, dmble, subdue, control, A ca ref ree, te laxed, leisu rely stroll, lf all -y life could move Iike this, My very existence would be bliss.
Shadow Man - R. Taylor (Yean 12)
H FEEX- I feel like a soggy tomato sandwich, Muthy, soggy and revolting; I never feel like fresh crunchy celery, I never f eel that good. Megan Boudie (B Criffith)
Caroline Van Eps (9A)
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