1988 School Magazine


ruqusBC DEPARTMENT 1988 was yet another successf ul, enjoyable, hectic and eventf ul year for the B.C.G.S. Music Department' It was also one iull of changes, particularly amongst the staff' We all started out aithe beginning of the year with a positive and hopef ul outlook on all the great things that the year had in store for us. ln March we said goodbye to our music director of three years, Mrs Pedersen, who returned to Canberra to iurther her musical career. Miss Eaton joined the staff at this time as a part-time membrer of staff taking Mrs Pedersen's teaching timetable. Miss Cook was then appointed Co-ordinator of Classroom and Choral Music and Miss Myers Co-ordinator of lnstrumental Music. We must thank Miss Carey who replaced Miss Myers for nine months while she was studying in Hungary. We also welcomed Mr Smith (percussion), Mr Liddell (brass), ani Mr Varney (double bass). Yes, this year's musical calendar was certainly a full one' ln first term, La Capella got the opportunity to take part in a promotional camfiaign's grand opening' ln the beautiful surroundings of the Botanical Cardens, we were encouraged to i'Get lnto Brisbane" and provide entertainment"until the Lord Mayor arrived' On Bth March, nearly all of the music Sroups performed in a rnort rr.."rsful musical evening. The string quartet and. senior choir participated in the Annual Service of Thanksgiving held at 3t Andrew's Uniting Church, Creek Street on APril 12th. The month of April, the thirtieth of April in particular, was undoubtedly the highlight of the whole year. After weeks of f everish rehearsal, a combined concert band,/orchestra, along with almost 2000 other young musicians from all over Queensland, took part in the opening of World Expo'88. The sun was shining, we all piayed beautifully and got our faces in f ront of as many ielevision cameras as possible, and it was all due to Miss Carey who organized the whole fantastic experience. Thanks once again from everyone, (especially for those great green Expo bibs which we will all wear with pride ior y"irt to come). Amongst all this excitement, we still managed to f it in another music concert, this time with a Biceniennial theme, and the Grade Twelve music class even had a trip to the oPera! ln Semester Two we said farewell to Miss Carey who had done a fantastic job and welcomed back Miss Myers. She didn't have too iong to get back into the swing of things with Music Camp being in the first week of third term. Once again, it was held at Alexandra Park, Alexandra Headlarids which, contrary to popular belief, had not been demolished, and once again, everyone had a "rip-roar" of a time. See the Music Camp Report for further exciting details (and photographs). 40

ln August, several groups competed in the Queensland Festivll of Music and ait gave performances which did their hard work justice. ln October there were the Annual lnstrumental and Vocal Competitions which culminated in the Artists in Concert Evening featuring the winners of the various sections. The Christmas Concert and Speech Day will bring to a close what has been a very exciting year in the music department' We hope that in the years to come students will enjoy years like this one. Special thanks must go to all the music staff for their hard work, help and support throughout the year and good luck to everyone, especially Miss Cook who is going to the United States for a term next year to study choral conducting at Westminster Choir College. Best Wishes H"'i:fr:f:I; Susannah Webb (1988 Music CaPtains)

LA CAPEN.LA 1988 Back Row: (left to right): K, Gordon, S. Monks, D. lytras, D. McTaggart' G. Liston, F{. Webster, K. Reed. Front Row: K. Fatrick, M. Moran, Miss T. Cook, Miss F{' Buchanan, P. Boys, S. Coughlan. Absent: K. Webster, S. Martin, T. Blindell, E. Edge, D. Kidd' R.Skoen, J. Kemp, D. F{ildebrand'

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