1988 School Magazine

8,A NEII B,ALL Back Row: (left to rig[nt): A. [-ewis, S. Scolilr, N{" Taylon, [(. [-arsen. Front Row: N{. Srcritln, K. Gasteen, ts' N'[c]\'ti[flan (Coac[e)' S" Cotton. Absent: N. Be[[.


BB NETB,A[-I. Back Row: (left to rig[-rt): [. Safizrnan, E. Forsyth, L. Wisermara, G. Dee, E. Kelly, C. Webh. Front Row: I\,1. Goudie, [. n-fladgraft, j" Kaesehagen (Coac[r), 5. Toft. 124

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