1988 School Magazine
V@LLEVffiALL V/ith three training sessions a week under our belt, unlimited enthusiasm and undying dedication, the volleyballers could have nothing but an enjoyable season. Our training sessions concentrated on {itness and skill development but we always managed to enjoy them; and even have funl The -l9BB season was characterised by loyalty and dedication but above all our team spirit shone through. Congratulations to all the teams for their perseverance and outstanding efforts in all their Sames and most of all, for their improvement at every game. This year we hoped to consolidate our skills and involve younger grades in the team so as to develop depth for coming years. We did just that! On behalf of the team, thank you to Mrs Kiolle and Co. (her baby son) for your continued support, to the parents for their Saturday morning sacrifices, to Mrs Starr-Thomas and Miss Roberts for their participation, to R.achel for helping coach and finally to Anita, our beloved coach with her fitness fetish. Thank you to the whole team for the friendship and support you offered nre and well done for all your concerted efforts. Finally, to next year's team and captain, I wish them every success but most of all; enjoy the season as much as we did this year. Cathy Taylor Captain
Back Row: ([eft to night): fl. Khursandi" K. N^aloer', S. g'{ewitft" C. Til[ey. Fs'omt Row: S. [-{owes" K" Fatricl<, C. iiaylor (Captaim), N. N4cN4aster"
VO[.O.EVBA[-[- - B GRADE Back Row: (left to right): E. Buchanan, T. Fritchard, B. Steindfl, N,,1. Cooke. Front Row: R. Delly, D. Pherous, C. Khursandi, A. Khursandi. Absent: F. Fentecost. VOI-LEVBATI. - C CRADE Back Row: (left to right): P. [-ong, E. Gregory, S. Chenoweth, B. Btrtsor, . Front Row: N. Seihel, E. Woodali, F. Keys, ll' !-oos. ,Absent: M. Lee.
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