1988 School Magazine

We look forward to singing Rosemary Xrallisiier,s composition in the Choir competition soon. Oh what a talented team we are . . . modest, too i Bu.t o{ course our wonderful purple house could neven have been so successful without the unfailing efforts of our tr-louse teachers, Mrs Kimber, Mr ("they said we'd never make it") Miles, Mrs Hadgraft, Mr Bromiley and Mrs Pepper-Budge, and our efficient and active fi-louse Seniors, Susan Messer, Krishna Fawcett, Allison YuNe and Heidi Webster. Two more absolutely promorional purple people who must be mentioned and proclaimed as the driving force behind Cibrson's success on ihe sports scene are our dynamic sports captains, .ienny Anthon and Narelle Tallon. Oh yes, and we must noi forget Pepe, our consistently cool cat who kept rhe House in good spirits and motivated us with fantastic Pepe pep talks bef ore l--louse competitions. (You thought he couldn't talk, didn't you?) With allthis talent along with tremendously legendary spirit, participation, pride, determination, skill and purple hued.per"- ior-ances, how could Gibson go wrong? lt was these brilliant qualities from each and every fabtrlours, legendary purple person that made it such a memorable yeir for the House, the best house, the House itself " . CIBSON I! Chris and Sirnona

Ggffis@f;N E4@U5E We are the lean, mean, fighting machine and in '88 we were on the scene. Oloh la la I With what spirit and with what striving, bubbling zest did Cibson start the year! What a blast of a barbecue we had ! Fun and food was had by all in plentiful amounts as we psyched up for the exciting year ahead. Cibson displayed its usual legendary style to blitz the swimming and unnerve the other houses for the year's coming events. Cuess who won the cup for individual races, the relay cup AND the overall cup. GIBSON I yeah ! Our entry in the lnterhouse Drama competition was directed byTara Botsman. We delighted and entertained our srppoitive audience and were very proud of all our a ctresses. Our Gibson Cazette continued its purple path towards editorial fame and thus efficiently informed our legendary house of all the exciting events we parti- cipated in, with tremendously, Iegendary mega spirit. lnter-House artistic and rhythmic gymnastics were great this year with the Gibson Symnasts in simply stunning form, flying, f lipping and floating through the air. In the Cross Country, Gibson also proved that we are a bunch of legends. Congratulations must go to Narelle Tallon who 6roke the record by over one minute to help lead Gibson to yet another victory. This year we welcomed f ive exchange students to our Houie, Keiko Kaino, Tomoko Akata, Miho ldedan and Hiroko Shimura from Japan, and Mel Brereton from Zimbabwe. We were pleased to have them as members of Gibson and hope that they will take many happy memories of their time with us when they return home. Our victories have not ended yet. The rest of the year looks very promising. The Athletics Carnival is fast approachingand training is in earnest already. We aim to retain those three athletics cups we won in'B7 l

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