1985 School Magazine
YEAR 12 REPORT Finally, after four years, we reached Grade 12 . From the darkness of Junior School, the light was seen at the end of the tunnel. But boarding school hasn't been monotonous boredom for the entire time. We've learnt to tolerate each other's mannerisms, peculiarities and habits, to cope with any differences in personality and mood and to respect the individuality of everyone else. Throughout the time we have had together as a group, we have shared many moments of laughter and happiness, of enjoyment in sharing and of course the inevitable times of sadness and grief. But no matter what the circumstances, we will always retain some of that contagious madness which has always been characteristic of "the boarders". These treasured memories will never easily be forgotten. The close ties which have formed between many of us over the last five years are ones which will never be broken. Finally, we must all extend our thanks to those in the school who have supported us through the good and the bad, helped us to develop and have seen us through to the end. We realize that at times we haven' t been the easiest group to cope with but we really sincerely appreciate your help and support throughout the five years.
Each and every one of us has her own original and individual character. And each one is easily indentifiable. Firstly, Fran, one can't help but recognise Fran's cub- the entire room is covered in photos of her hero- Harrison Ford . Ann-Marie, noted for the contrast between her height and her fingernails- the short and long of it. Vanessa, Kim and Rachel, our European jetsetters who now know "everything" about Europe. If you ever hear the showers running after lights-out at 10.00 you can be sure it'll be Lesley- never in bed on time. Then there's Praneeta Prasad, our Indian curry expert, and Analese- can she ever find anything in her eternal mess? You don' t need to see Penny to know where she sleeps- she makes " noises in the night" . Then there's Sue, the wild singer-dancer of the dormitory, and "Alas Poor Bridget, we know her well", the tedious old Shakespeare quater. Beth is our gallant head boarder and Katy's favourite question to Mrs Ox lad is " Can I please have another weekend?". Caroline is our six in ' 86 exchange and will soon be "On the Banks of the Ohio". Kathryn's humour keeps us all giggling, especially jacki, whose laugh can be heard from anywhere in the entire school. Virginia is our newest addition, but is hardly ever at school. She's gone walkabout. Melinda and Rachel are forever counting hundreds and thousands of Jollies.
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