1984 School Magazine
YEAR 12 CAMP REPORT soME coMMoNLY ASKED QUESTIONS ANSWERED Q. What do six orange B.C.C. buses, about 150 girls and Alexandra Headlands have in common? A. LEADER SHIP CAMP. Q. What is a leadership camp? A. WHAT MRS. HAN- COCK SENDS YEAR 12 CIRLS ON. Q. Why do you go on leadership camp? A. TO BECOME A LEADER. Q. What do you lead ? A. WELL ACTUALLY, MR. MADDEN LED US ON EARLY MORNING JOGS. DOES THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION? Q. What did you do for a whole week? A. WE HAD LECTURES AND DISCUSSIONS AND MINI OLYMPICS AND WE ATE AND SLEPT AND . . . \VELL WE SLEPT A LITTLE BIT. WE ALSO GOT TO KNOW EVERYONE A WHOLE LOT BETTER, AND LEARNT HOW TO WORK AS A TEAM. soME QUESTIONS WE CAN'T ANSWER Q. Who said it was safe to go back in the water? . Where did all those bluebottles come from? Q. Who were those caped crusaders at the Mini OIym- pics ? Q. What do Kate Eden and Miss Paterson have in com- mon? Q. ls that really how you play touch f ootball? Why were those people leaning over their verandahs with their binoculars trained in our direction? Q. Does she always dress like that? Does she always act like that? Q. Do th"y really think Grammar Boys are like THAT? Q. What happened to Mr. Dale's chest on Skit night? Did his face always look like that? Where does he buy his clothes? Th"y look familiar. Where did he buy his dog - she looks awf ully famil- iar ? Could Mrs. Lynch always dance like that? Did Mr. Madden and Mrs. Short know each other at hish school? ls this a re-enactment of a high-school date ? Q. Who was the person who provided all the dialogue when the sound went f unny in " Rocky Horror"? Are most year twelves skegs and bevans? ls that why Mrs. Hancock makes us wear school uniforms? Q. Is that why the teachers wear conservative clothes in school-hours? To disguise their true personalities? Q. ls year twelve supposed to be this much f un? Q. What is leadership? . this is too enjoyable to be school work ! lf you want to find out more about year twelve leader- ship camps, we suggest you wait and go on one yourself. They are an invaluable experience NOT TO BE MISSED. Compiled by Nicole Cody on behalf of Yr. 12 Camp Committee Q. Q. Q. Q.
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