1984 School Magazine
MUSIC CAMP 1984 As dusk settled on Alexandra Headlands this normally peacef u I seaside resort was shattered by the arrival of four tour buses - THE INVASION OF THE GRAMMAR MUSOS HAD BECU N ! ! During the next four and one half d?ys, Alexandra Park camp site became the site of Bacchanalian Revels (Bazza's and Sue Meier's birthduy), outerspace invasions (Grad e12"prnk parades" at breakfast), School of Origin Matches (*hich th" girls won, of course.) and romantic (?) evenings on the beach. That was in between the rain, the general destruction of the immediate area, the rain, late n ights, the rain, stage band's jam sessions (PAIN- FUL!), more rain, study, rain and, oh y€S, music. The general outcome of it allwas . . .boys coming home thinking they were girls, Mr. Wakefield coming home not thinking and the local inhabitants returning home to live peacefully for yet another year. Thanks must go to th" guest conductors who kindly gave up their time to help us improve. They were Mr. Arthur Middleton (girls hold yourselves back), Mr. Robert Clarke and Mr. cwyn Roberts. Also thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Watkins and Mrs.Jempson for organising the accommod- ation and food and a bis hrg and kiss ro Mr. Wakefield, Mr. Warden, Mrs. Madd€n, Miss Turner and Miss Myers and to the music captains from both schools, Julia Mainstone amd Megan Huppert and Tim Biggs for putting up with us. Those returning, we can only hope you all recover in timg for next year. ,,i:i,iiii'r,'N*ii.,',, U e l r. '',.,'.,*.iiii,*).:1",,,'., signed ,;iffi,*i-" '. :11114r:+ii::+t A survivor (and f riend)
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