1984 School Magazine
"Annie's Coming Ou t" ,written by a group of people led by Richard Davies was a truly thought provoking drama to enact as well as to view. The play, basically concerning a phytically handicapped girl's bid to prove her intelligence, wds this year's entry in the Jean Trundle Play Competition. Well, not only did we get to the finals, but we came second with acting merits going to Sally Dark and Ann Harrap. The rehearsals themselves, though sometimes d if f icu lt, were always a lot of f u n. Here are a f ew insights into what went on:- o Miss Burrows (our patient and hardworking Director) Open you r mouth Natacha, move that ja*, come on, get it working. Now this really was a surprise seeing as l'm usually told to shut it! o Miss Bu rrows - Atr tr, u nclench those f ists and please stop slapping you rself . Well, you know Ann, always thought she had masoch istic tendenci es. o Now everything seemed to go well on stage however behind the scenes was quite a different matter. Picture this, five minutes before an assembly performance (help!) Sally loses her contact lense! So here we all are crawling around on the ground desperately searching for a transparent blob. "What about you r glasses Sal?" "Well, um, actually I broke them this morning." Tension mou nts. Miss Bu rrows to the rescue with a handful of sticky tape. lt was a great idea but .l mean, it really didn't matter that Sal couldn't see two feet in front of her, as long as she steered clear of the ladders !
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I think I can safely say that we all enjoyed ourselves immensely and benefited f rom the experience. A great big thanks to Miss Burrows and the stage crew, Janet Cattermole, Sam Keegan, Rachael Stoddart and Shirley Lee, f or their help and support. The audience on.ly sees the actors as the finished product but a play is a combined effort by actors, crew and director. Natacha Dobrovolsky
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