1984 School Magazine


I'm only half way up . . .

Although this is all of the dorm, we have left out a very important sectio n of the sen ior year. That is th e part of the boarding hous e that is inhabited by the dorm sen iors themse/ves. Walking along the corridor and throwing open the first door, we see an empty room. But never f ear, we know where she sha ll be. True en ough, as we throw open the door to Liz's room, we see not only Liz, but a/so Anne, f rom the previous rooffi, end Cill, f rom the next room. They are at present, taking part in their favourite discussion; the boarding house!? Anne, perched an Liz's bed stranglingTuffy, the stuff ed animal, gives us a very cheezy grin while Liz joins in with a hearty "Hello!" and Gill smiles. fhese three are truly important peop/e. They kee p the boarding hous e in some sort of order and arrange all sorts o f activities. Qu ietly closing the door and leaving them to their discussions, we go across the corridor to Sue and Robyn's room. Sue is working away industriously, while Robyn is asleep, curled up under her doona. Although this room does contain desks to work at, Idon'tthink Sue has ever used hers as her bed is much more comfortable. Without disturbingthem or gettingone of Sue's end/ess supply of dried fruits and other such 'healthy' foods, we creep away.

That conc/udes this insight to the strange and bizarre world of the seniors, although we did miss out two people .- myself and Kate. Kate is the one who owns the stereo and b/asts out ACDC at all odd hours af the night, and the one who was sca red by what she th ought was a giant rat which turned out to be a poss Lrm. She a/so absolutely adares MARS BAR5/ In f act, sh ould she marry the millionaire that she's got her name on, she'll buy the f actory f or her own pers onal supply! Kate a/so h appens to be the very strange person who managed to dre am up the idea of a boarders' magazine. On the other hand, /essica contributed her help and has become known as our very own Elton John player, bas ketballer, man collector and stuff ed toy hoarder and, of course, MARS BAR freak! Well that is that - this year the boarding hous e, frext year, the world ! ! ! !



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