1984 School Magazine
YEAR 12 REPORT As we knock on the door and enter the strange new world of the Year Twelve dormitory, where f ew emerge alive, Kate and I, as visitors to our own environment sudde nly see the natural f auna as the inexperienced would view it. I begin to wonder how I could live in there for so Iong without going mad. Depending on which door you enter, you could be met with a variety of sights. We shall enter through the door used most, the one nearest the washroom. Squee zing through the minute gap bet ween the /edge and the f irst cupboard and being squas hed f lat at the same time, we see Carey dead ahead. I don't mean that she is dea d, f ar f rom it. But one really couldn't be sure because she is e njoying her f avourite pasttime; that of sitting on her bed dreaming of her boyf riends and the f ormals she is hoping to atte nd. Hearing a nois e we spin around to find Diane sprawled on her bed reading the /atest MAD comic, and f eeding herself a piece of white chocolate. This is the newes t year Twelve st udy method. Pee ring around the next c onvenient ly-p!aced cupboard, we are not disappointed. We have in fact caught a maniacal creature, called Kylie, napping. she is very rarely here, either bein g at sports , talking to people or generally making a pest of herself elsewhere. she /ies there with an almost wistful expressing on her face dreaming of her next phone call, however many millennium away it may be. As I write, the phone rings, and she is away, sprinting to t he f ar door with wild crues of "lt is f or me??" Looking straisht across, Kate points out Katy, hanging over the end of her bed with her head over the edge so she is almost upside down, eating Twisties - f or a change!! What will she dream of next term? We snea k over to the next known inhabited area, but, yet again, that person is not there. By far the most energetic person in our e/ite world, Dot, is at yet another training. One has to get up very early in the morning to catch this person bef ore she sprints do wn to breakf ast, then off to another training. But we have been studying her for quite a while and can report that whenever she isn't at training she's either sta rving or s/eeping. Skipping the next two as they are Kate and myself , we come to the co untry of the cubes.
In the first cube we spy Helen, Sffiearing on a lotion which is known as "dead fish", but is really face cream (or so she te//s us!). True this is n ot her only pasttime, she a/so receiyes phone ca//s. Str aight across th e corridor we peek around the curtain to find Kathryn curled up on her bed, underneath her doona, listening to her radio, and sleepi ng at the sa me time. Next door Kristina is in almost the same pos ition, eating chips, /isten ingto music and trying to do a maths problem while talking to our new addition to the Year, Lindy. Lindy s/eeps near the Year Eleven clubes so has come to socia lize. Crossi ng the hall yet again we are lucky enough to see larissa at her desk working. But wait, after a c/oser inspection we realize that she is in f act s taring into space, o f f in anot her world. She is, no doubt, thinking of how many MARS BARS she can /et herself eat this week. Next door we surprise yet another person working, but ah no, frot on homework I can report. Amanda's favourite hobby is writing letters - and eating MARS BARS. /n the last and final cube is Jenny. She spends her time eith er helping Kate and others with their maths, or rescuing her REyOt f/NC Australiana poster s f rom Craf f iti. ln a room in the midst of Year Eleven, we find someone who was willing to risk her life in a most dangerous environment. Anna, with her f uzzy wavy hair is f orever running around, or talking on the telephone. True to f orm,she is n ot there but is instead loos e in the boarding house - Beware!.
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