1984 School Magazine
YEAR 10 REPORT fcstasy ran rampant: Cirls overcome with emotion swarmed everywhere" At last we were there! UPSTAIRS, s/NCtE BEDS, SEN/OR st/PPfR and . . . an extra hour bef ore lights o ut! ! ! (YAY !) our migration complete, we soon discovered two new arrivals had come into our charming dorm however we s hall f orgive t hem. on e of them won " M iss Princess" for us, in the 1gB4 "Miss Boardinghause" competition, thus ref lecting our gen eral beauty, style, grace and widely recognised modesty. The other one stimulates lively discussions, and organises gang warf are. Freedom is now in sight - we're halfway there already! We celebrated this f act (our weak excuse for a pigout) with a magnificent cake, which had many purposes.' (1 ) pimple f ertilisation, (2) attribute to us and our perserverence and (3) a f ood fight. That just about wraps it up f ar year't0 in'1984, well so far any way, so we'll see you in Year't't. well you might quake in terror! Crade 10 Magazine Reps. Eva Shrapnel Cathie Pee/.
Year 'l'l has been a quieten ing down year. We were fortunate to receive into our dorm six new members, one of whom we /ost in the first term. rhese new girls have sett/ed down and fitted in well. At the beginning of second semester we lost one of oL)r old boarders who became a daygirl and we received two more boarders. once again our year has made up the bulk of the under 'lB basketball teaffis, as well as being involved in other
Although we have worked hard during the year, we take time off to be "pleasant" to one another - which Lisa f ound out when she walked in, to find her entire cube, mattress, sheets, toys and all, out the window on th ground below!! We cannot overlook our temporar deformities of character as Katherine well knows; she turned out black and white when attacked with scufffi stuff and baby powder. The dorm /oves to sing and dance a nd carry on, espe cially on 5a turday nisht when everyone is in. We all get involved, but nobody can beat Sue's co untry style. we all have oLtr ups and downs, but in the end, the f riendships we have made this year will /ast forever.
Crade 'l'l reps, Beth Fitzgerald les/ey Adams
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