1984 School Magazine
The year B boarders are reallY f un, And f rorn the mistresses severa I run. But now I would like You all to meet, All of them (lt's quite a treat). Tammy and Anna are f riends You see, And Ainsley and Jodie are not really. Nickey and Chris, stuck togeth er like glue, And Tina and Leah are f rom Papua New. Jodie and Jackie are really best mates, And Tanya with lackie often debates. Alice and Katie som etimes m ake creatLtres, While Celia and lane annoy all the tea chers. The mental asylum I'm sure ycu,ll agree, Is where the dorm really should be. 5o ,1us t be thankf ul that you are not here, And I'm awf ully gratef ul that yoLr've lent an ear. Alice Thomsett a nd Katie C ordon
(Year B Reps.)
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YEAR 9 REPORT The year kicked off with a flying start with the introduction of five nerN people , Qnd of course our new mistress, bringing with her the vibrant s ound of classical music nice a nd early in the rnorninS. The dormitory adapted well to the move from the nLrrsery to th e dorm down under. Apart f rom the new mirrors th at make you look twice the size you really are and the bars on the windows that make us feel like we are in Alcatraz, its great. The hightight of the year wauld have to be the arrival of a six foot fiie chickā¬fr, who turned our usua/ Saturday night dinner into a room of hysteric s f or the five birthd?y eiils and the boarding house. The chicken was kindly "donatbd by the do rm. Of course, another happy event was the barbeque with Mlrs Hancock at her house. After two years o f boardi ng sch ool lif e the dormitory has become to be kn own as o ne bi7 happy f amily. We look f orward to many more great years at Crammar. Year 9 Magazine Reps, lenny Lane Andrea Sickson
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