1984 School Magazine

THE BOARDING HOUSE REPORT The year started with a bang as sixteen Year Eights waltzed th rough the door - o ur days of peace a nd quiet were over and our school days nLtmbered. The first week end was f illed with' thrills as we had a Boarding House Mini-Olympics. A concert was held on the f ollowing weeken d in which the hidden talents (a nd the non-existent ta/ents) of many were revealed. On the lBth February the majority of the Boarding House could be found boppin' in the halls of 8.C.5. - at their dance. The next major event on the calendar was the C.P.5. swimming. The whole boarding house was there in forceful attendance and cheered Robyn and lodie to their victories. On the 11th March, the aCventurous Crammar boarders were found in the many ovals at Clennie Memorial Sch ool (in Toowoomba), engaged in friendly competition, eating and gen erally enioying themse/ves. On the 13th M arch Yea r Twelve boarders were invited to attend a Marist Brothers s emi-f ormal at Sybils. This was the f irst of their success f ul f unctio ns. A secon d invitation was recei ved to atten d another s uch occasi on at Images on the'l5th May. Boarders again were in f ullatten dance at the Thanksgiving ceremony held at 5t. John's Cathederal to celebrate the anniversary of the f oundation of the sch ool. The weekend of the 19th May was an action-packed weekend in which the Boarding House held a wakeathon to raise money to support the New Zealand tour. On the Saturday night Years B, 9. 10 atten ded a B.B.C. dance while Years 11 and 12 boarders at B.C.S. attended a video nisht at our sch ool. The scones were a great success. Morale was low towards the completion of seco nd term as Chicken Pox claimed its victims. Years Nin e and Ten had an enjoyable even ingatte nding a dance held at Nudgee on the first weekend back of third term. On the seco nd weeken d the annual "Miss Boarding House " competition was held with iudges and escort s f rom 8.C.5. with resu/ts being: Princess - Anna lobbins, and Queen, Jenny Fitzgerald. The evening was a great success a nd an enjoyable time for all. We now have a new hot water system installed. Many thanks goes to all who were involved in this and also to our new kitchen staff with increasing levels of yummy f ood. Liz Kennedy Head Boarder

Jess Stewart & Kafe Eden

THE CREAilON Lying spa wled over Kate's bed, and trying to look interested in the conversation on guys and weekends but f ailing rather dismally and f alling as/eep instead, in the fogging mists t heard someone mention that the boarders didn't. really get'a fair go'in the magazine. I mean, you can only fit so much in one or two crummy pages ! And so the seed was sown. The next night, trying to a void my ever-accumulating Chemistry homework I was relieved to see A nna and Kate approach me with, OH NO! the Light of lnspiration shining over their h ea ds. They sat do wfi, made themse/ves quite com f artable by throwing my st uff ed anima/s on the f loor and stea ling my pillows, and proposed that we start our own magazine. After much discussion and no Chem. homework that night, we decide d that we would see M rs. Colwill in the morning, and ask if she could help us. If she could, we could then go and s ee M rs. Hancock " After recei ving the 'all clear' from both directions, we put it to the rest of the boarding hous e. After an enthusiastic sta rt however, the contributions were slow in coming in, and we had a difficulty with 'Perfect Match' showing at the sa me time as we were trying to have our rep.meetings. But tragedy struck . . The school got the quotes f rom the publishers for costs and we discovere d that to have our own boarders' magazine would mean we would have to raise an enormous amount of money. After trJrning grey, blue, green and puce, Anna, Kate and I decided that unf ortunately, this year it would be impossib/e to have the magazine. lnstead, we could cons ider a lift-out center f old in the sch ool magazine. Of course we didn't need to go to o ur private office (the toi/ets) to con f er on such a straisht-f orward issue. We decided. And that is why, as lsit here ton i1ht, and think of all my homework that / still haven't got around to doing, I wonder if we had any right to subyect the rest of the school to the inside information on the terrible rituals o f getting ready f or bed, and those of the dinner-time rites. As my f ingers are slowly wearing themse/ves down to the bone and the keys of this typewriter are almost jumping out and hitting me in the face, I am coming to the awful conclusion that maybe we have made a dreadful mis- take . . less Stewart (Pres.) Kate Eden (Secret"ary) In

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