1984 School Magazine
Hi Boarders, It is my pleasure to write a few lines for your magazine section and I feel honoured by your request to d-o so. What a strange year it has been so f ar - otd girls leaving - new girls arriving. lt always gives me grea{pleasure t6 welcome ex-day girls into our boardiig house and we accept the fact that they think we are all a little crazy at times regarding our rules, etc. On behalf of our Boarding House Staff , I must thank our Senior girls f or their help this year. We are sure.l9g4 is provingto be quite successful, due to the work and social programmes, for which Elizabeth, Susan, Ann and Gillian are respons ible and always carry out successf u!ly, but I must add that they always have excellent suppoit from the majority of our Gr.'12's, who co-operate'with- out question when necessary. The social events have proved very successf ul and our Staff members this year have not hesitated to say how proud they feel whei out "with the girls". Many thanks to Mrs. Coker for her assistance with the "Miss Boarding House" contest and a very special thanks to the girls f rom all grades who went to so much trouble with costumes, c/othes and concert acts. Thanks a/so to the girls who acted as the "workers" - you all contrib- uted with enthusiasm and a great evening was enjoyed by all. Congratulations to Jenhy and Jodieis the Winiers of the "Miss Boarding House and "Miss princess,, tjtles. We have all experiencedsome amusing events and some sad ones this year. We are a large family confined to a restricted area, and lf eel we all cope remarkably well _ altgr a.ll. w.ha.t private home has 100 people tiving side by sidell 5o let's continue to all putt togeiher andwork in harmony to. rnake it a memorable aid successful expe- rience f or all students and staff whilst living and working in the Boarding House at B.C.G.S. Thank you girls, I am proud of you all. Yvonne Oxlad Se n i o r Boa rd i n S M i st.r e:n_ During'l984there have been 94 boarders resident in the Boarding.School with 16 new girls entering in year g. As part of the Orientation proglamme, parents of those ne.w girls were invited to a meal in the Dining Room, which was followed by a.talk on the probleis facin! students who enter boardingschool. Many members if staff were. present to give the parents the o-pportunity to meet with them, and put faces to names. Shortly after this, the Year 8 girls were invited to my llof. to give them the opportinity to get to know me a little better, and as a result o/ theie aitivities, coupled with the normal Ori.entation programme in the'Day School, the girls quickly sett/ed down to their new life'. For those students wanting to attend Church, arrange- rnents were made to take them to St. John's Cathedial, and throughout the year a number of girls have con- tinued to attend on various Sundays. Academic staff have been employed to take prepiration time in the evenings so that girls can be given assistance if they so require. Senior girls have also been involved with the s.upervision of prep. and have been generous with their h el p to th e y o u n ger students. T h e' R7 B I T' p r o gr a m m e i n ii .
Year B has been most succes sf ul and reading time has now been exten ded to students in other years. Elizabeth Kg?nedy has been most co-o perative and helpf ul and has worked c/os ety with the Senior girls towards deve/o ping a very pleasant atmosphere wi'thin the boarding school. /t is not an eas y task with so many girls living togeth er, as it requires e'ach one of them to think of the needs of others f ar abovetheirneeds of self . Year t had u.yost enjoyable even ing in my home and put on an exce llent impromptu con ce-rt f or myself and'the f amily. So many of the girls have tremendous ability and it rs alw.ays a pleasure to see th em perform at concerts throughout the year. The "Miss,Boardlng House" contest was very good this ye?r thanks to the interest shown by Mrs."c"oker and other members of staff . We appreciited the contritbu- tion of Brisbane crammar school to this even ing, and a/so their support in so many other areas throughiutthe year. It is pleasing to see so many girls in volved in Intersch ool and Club activities. The Boaiders f orm the backbone of many groups and their support and interest in Basketbatt is of p^rticular note. With so many girls in volved in extra- curricular activities, it is important that during the week- ends t.hey are given time to relax and or{rnise their own time. Many use the f acilities that exisi within the school, such as the tennis co urts, playing fietds an d the s.vtimming pool and generally on Satirday evenings interesting activities a re organised by many o7 the Senior students. The Old Cirls Assoc iation is always gratef ul f or the hetp tl"tthe girls in the Boardingsch ooi-giye ro them during their Annual Art sho w and on "Bardto crammar" days. T.his ye?.r there have been three Reunions and through the girl's. contribution, the links between the pasl ^ia present have been strengthened. tt has been pleasingto see members of staff take the girls on outings at various times th roughout the year to such places ai f one pine, the Art Callery, the Botanic Cardens, etc . The sen ior girls are to be congratulated on their initiative in devetofing a.Boarding Section to the sch ool Magazine and I hope that this sect ion continues to be inctided in the f utu're. My thanks to Mrs. oxlad and allthe resident sta ff , who work so hard to make sure thatthe girls live in a homely environment which is conducive to developing seti- disci pli ne and com m u nity attitudes. Judith H ancock Principal
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