1984 School Magazine

Media: A major innovation in the Media Department was the setting up of the new audio-visual store in the Library. New modular storage units and a previewing area contribute to ease of use. lmproved security has resulted from the relocation. The new video format (VHS) was consolidated during the year. The P & F Association bought the first unit ii 1982 and we have added two units since then. Recently, Parents'and Friends'Association generously f unded the purchase of our first Colour Video portapack Unit. Compatible with our other machines, this unit is the basis of what will be extensive portable video production in the school. 1984. brings many challenges. The major task is planning services for the new building programme. This does nol mean just the supply of basic resource for this project alone. lt means a careful evaluation of the school,s present and f uture needs at this important stage of our de.velopm.ent. The results anticipated f rom this planning will be dramatic improvements in essential schoo-l services.

Sport: The Physical Education Department experierr-,0 this year a settling into the R.O.S.B.A. programme at Grade 11 and 12 levels, and saw the introduction of the St John,s Ambulance Certification in Grade 12 Health as part of the general physical education curriculum. This implementation, coupled with the introduction of the new Royal Lifesaving Certificates, has meant new challenges to the lower school within the curriculum. lnterhouse competition was hotly contested with the Swimming Carnival held at the Valley pool and the Athletics Carnival held for the first time at Marist Brothers', Ashgrove. Other events on the interhouse agenda were the Rhythmic and Artistic Gymnastic Competitions and assorted sports held during hectic lunch hours. Our year of interschool and club competition was very f ull, beginning with Waterpolo and Softball i; January,/February and concluding with Grade g and 9 Softball. Our ph_ilosophy is to provide a range of sports for a variety of talent, a phiiosophy *" ir" abie to achieve,with the help of staff and tl-re school community alike. This year, as with previous years, parental and "Old Girl" support has been indispensible. A change in our sports presentation format occurred this year, having two nights - one in each semester - to a.yvald girls with pockets and trophies. photographic displays and videos w€re part' of the evini'ng,s entertainment while parents and girls intermingled during supper. The sportin.g teams did not venture interstate this year and instead were hosts to several New Zealand iirls, Schools such as Hamilton Girls' High and Whangarei Cirls' High, and Oakham, England. ltis hoped that a'tour of New Zealand will be organized for ieveral winter fixture teams in the June/July break in 19g4.

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