1984 School Magazine

The Mothers' Group under Mrs. Falconer, worked very hard with f und raising ventures such as the theatre night at the Schonell and the Fashion Extravaganza. The enjoyment the mothers have in preparing for the Extravaganza is evident - but the benefits are not limited to f undraising. It provides girls with an opportunity to gain some work experience in modelling and associated skills. The proceeds of the mothers' activities have provided the ten classrooms in the western wing with curtains and carpeting as well as curtains for the new Chemistry Laboratory at a cost of $5,477. The Fathers'Group under Mr. D. Thompson has worked hard on Saturdays and Sundays to improve the school grounds. Of particular note is the work done in Kalinga Auenue, at the rear of the Administration Building, and to the Canoe Shed. The volunteer labour is much appreciated and will long be appreciated by all those who enter the School. The Music Committee under the chairmanship of Mr. l. Curtis successfully raised funds of over $4,500 and provided the following instruments for the developing Music Department - French Horn, Trombone, scaffold- ing for Q.Y.O. Concert, Bass Recorder. The Music Committee also provided support for the staff at the combined Music Camp at Alexandra Headlands. The help of members is also much appreciated on concert nights in the School. The tapanese Cultural Group under lr4r. Bailey, supporied the Japanese Department with its trip.to Japan. Our sister school,the Hirayama Gakuen, visited in luly and through the efforts of parents in the group enjoyed home stays and outings to various places in and around Brisbane. The Japanese language classes continued to be a success and toprovide parents with the opportunity to learn the language. lt was a pleasure to have Kayoko Sugimoto as a studeni in Year 11. Families f rom the Cultural Group billeted her, helping to provide her with an enriching experience. Her contribution to school life has been great and we will miss her in the year ahead.

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Music Department: 1983 has been another busy and successful year for the B.G.G.S. Music Department. As well as the normal array of concerts, recitals, community activities and Music Camp, the Music Department conducted a tour as far north as Rockhampton. Perhaps the highlight of this tour was the concert in the outstanding Pilbeam Theatre at Rockhampton. Appreciation f rom the audience of 600 was demonstrated in a letter to the Principal from the Administrator of the theatre who commented "lt was a pleasure to have your School's touring Sroup at the Pilbeam Theatre; not only was the performance entertaining and of a high standard, but the discipline and 'prof essionalism' of the perf ormers was very evident". Other highlights included visits by: 1. Dr. Harry Begain from the University of lllinois - a very successf ul workshop with the Concert Band. 2. Mayne String Trio - 3 workshops with the Orchestra. 3. University of California Choir, with Frank Pooler. Choir sang in B.G.C.S. Auditorium, as well as conducting a workshop for the Grammar Concert Choir. 4. Our participation in competitions this year was limited as a result of the size of our Sroups. Congratulations must go to Christine Duggan and the Year-B Choir who won the Secondary Schools'Choral competition at Pine Rivers. Library: At thebeginning of the year staff and students returned to find the Library re-organised and refurbished with new carpet. The result is increased storage space and better use of existing spaces. During the year over 3,000 books were added to the Library as well as many items of audio,/visual software. The Library display for School Day - "Rhythm of Life" fitted in well with this year's theme for the Red Cross Miniature Carden Display, which we again entered. It was encouraging to see the interest of students in the school relating to book theft and overdues. The S.R.C''s co-operation with the Library Committee to investigate this problem and also to consider the f unctioning of the Library from the students' point of view was much appreciated.


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