1984 School Magazine

in co-ordinating the tour.) On Friday we visited the Reptile Park and the Sunshine Plantation. On the way home we stopped at Calou nd ra where the Japanese girls got their f irst glimpse of an Aussie Su rf ie. t am sure everybody enjoyed themselves very much and there were a few wet eyes at the airport on Saturday morning. Next year there is to be a trip to Japan, with Mrs. Hancock, to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Hirayama cakuen. This is sure to be an enjoyable trip and we look forward to hearing more about it. At the recent Japanese Speech Contest Girls' Grammar did very well with Natalie Matthews and Sarah Curtis, both in Year Eleven, coming second r'"'d third respectively. In the junior school we also did'.rucllas Lisa Pennell won first place in the Year 7/B Special Contest, Penelope Boys, second and Christina Davies a Special Merit. Two of our junior students, Elizabeth Jameson and Gillian Moses, also did very well in the Senior Division of the contest. Congratulations Girls! Our Japanese Dancing Group performed with great success and enthusiasm at the welcome party for Mrs. Furusawa, a founder of the Kobe - lapan - Australia F riendsh ip Society. The af ternoon was to com memorate the Tenth Anniversary of the Society. Well l'd like to thank everybody who made this year's Japanese the f u n it has been with special than ks to all our teachers and parents and Minako who added a new dimension to our language study.


The Japanese Cultural Croup commenced the year on a delicious note in February with a very successf u I d in ner at the Little Tokyo. We enjoyed a delightf ul three course meal of soup, sukiyake and ice cream. Both evenings concluded with everybody participating in a litt.le Japanese dancing, which was interesting to say the least. ln March ou r Rotary Exchange student, Minako Hasegawa, arrived, and despite initial shyness Minako settled in very welland is now as rowdy as the rest of the Year Elevens. ln April, Mrs. Duncan left to go on long service leave. l'm sure all her classes missed her very much but we were lucky enough to have Dr. Childs teaching us while she was away. Thanks to Dr. Childs and welcome back Mrs. Duncan. On the f irst of August a group of 25led by Mr. Kirayaffi?, and accompanied by three other teachers arrived f rom our sister school Hirayama Cakuen. Unfortunately they could only stay until Saturday the fourth but we managed to cram plenty of activities into those few days. On Wednesday we had lunch with Mrs. Hancock and then went shopping in the city. There was a full school assembly on Thursday morning after which we went to Bunya Park for the day. (A special thanks must go to our mothers who provided transport, and more importantly food, ohd to Miss Long and Mrs. Curtis for alltheir help

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