1984 School Magazine


FRENCH French students th is year have had the chance to speak with native speakers and thus have closer contact with France and things French. Earlier in the year Mademoiselle Nicole Kuhry, a Physical Educ. teacher f rom Strasbourg, now resident in Brisbane , Visited the schoolfor two weeks. For ten weeks over the year some classes have had the advantage of learning from another native speaker, Mademoiselle Corinne Godin f rom Paris, now living in Brisbane and completing the Diploma of Education course at Queensland U niversity. ln August the Senior class visited th is department of the U n iversity and were treated to a short programme from lecturer Daniel Vere r, ?nother ex-patriate f rom France. We look forward to 1985 and the proposed European tour which will include two weeks touring in France as well as a week home stay with a French family.

FRENCH PROVINCIAT DANCING GROUP CAN CAN GROUP 1984 has been a good year for the members of the two groups. All members have practised regularly all year, and have performed on several occasions, ?mong them the Endeavou r Fou ndation's Eth n ic Fair in J u ne, the Bastille Day Celebrations at the Kelvin Grove High School Hall and the Warana AII Nations Festival of Song and Dance in October. The highlight of the yea r,for the Can Can Group was, undoubtedly, the Rotary Ball held at the Sheraton Hotel's Grand Ballroom on luly 14th. Brand new costumes were completed in time for this performance, and the girls were very well received by the guests at the ball. Our thanks go to Lisa Hemphill, Helena Bond and Suzanne Thomson, who have put countless hours of hard work into the train i ng of the girls and the organisation of the various performances. o o

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