1984 School Magazine
YOUNG ACHIEVEMENT GROUP Every Wednesday for the past eight months, thirty students f rom Brisbane Cirls' and Boys' Grammar, Year, Eleveh, have met at AN4P Place in the city for our Young Achievement meetings. The project is an internationally run event giving school students the experience of running a business company. To begin with, a sponsor company must be f ound and in our case, this company was CSR, which supplied volunteer executives to advise us in our project. When we first met, we selected a company name, "NSL Enterprises" (Nil Sine Labore), and elected a board of directors. We sold shares to build capital and will return a dividend when we have liquidated. For a starter product, we decided to package Macadamia Nuts which proved to be a lot more difficult than expected, with such problems as stolen n uts and broken bags! We then decided to manufacture Notice Boards after our research and development committee developed a production method. Throughout the life of the company we discovered that running a company is not as easy as it at first seemed. Apart from having to have all the goods ready on the manufacturing day, /ou must also have the manufacturers motivated and then you have to sell the prod uct. Ou r advisers proved to be lifesavers as they were f orever saving us f rom taking the wrong track and kept us working. I recommend joining Young Achievement to anyone who has the opportu n ity, if they are interested in a business career, for although it is not always f un and often creates headaches, it provides a unique and valuable form or education.
INTERACT 1984 The lnteract year started at the end of last year with the An n ual Ch ristmas party at the Montrose Home f or Children. We found combining with Boys'Grammar an interesting experience if not an altogether enjoyable one. We have participated in three"doorknocks this year the most successful one being the Salvation Army Appeal in which some individuals collected over $100. We had a very successful Walkathon in March to raise money for our sponsor child overseas. Our major community project held in June, was a film afternoon for Petrie Terrace State School which proved strenuous, but f un. Other activities for June included a Sweetstall and the start of our Clock Radio Raff le which continued and continued. A Pizza Stall was held in August and very much enjoyed by all helping members (more being eaten than sold).However it all helped to heft our bank balance which was slightly shaky at the beginning of 1 984. The Clu b started a project th is year collecting used stamps to buy immunizations overseas and Easter Eggs were also collected for distribution at The Halywn Centre for Children. AII in all lnteract has had a very successfuland enjoyable year by becoming involved in the community, school and international spheres.
Helen Murphy President of lnteract
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