1984 School Magazine
ZENITH CIUB REPORT Communication is an important skill needed in many situations. Once mastered, the tech n iq ue is you rs f orever and can only improve as time goes by. Zenith is a club aimed at helping you acquire this asset. The Grammar Zenith Club, an aff iliated branch of lnternational Toast- mistress'Club is the only one of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, and one of only f ive in the world. Attend- ance at Zenith will sharpen listening skills, improve speaking skills, enable you to have conf idence in a group situation, teach you how to participate in and cond uct meetings, and develop you r potential as a speaker, communicator and leader. All of this can be applied to many situations.'l 984 has seen a large influx of members particularly within the junior school. With teachers such as Miss Burrows, Mrs. Kiolle and Mrs. Riggs, and with our increasing interaction with our patron club - Mt. Gravatt Toastmistress, our standards are improving all the time, with many of our members becoming more self-confident and proficient public speakers. We have also run several seminars for sports- women and leaders within the school comunity, and have been involved in the Merle Weaver Public Speak- ing Competition. I wish the Club every success in the future, and hope it continues to benefit the school
comm u n ity. Nicole Cody (President)
Annually the Go-Snow exhibition travels to Brisbane. This year was quoted as being the best ever because of the good incentives for non-skiers to put on cross- country skis and beat-the-clock on Brisbane's City Hall stage. Brisbane Girls'Grammar School had four representatives, Catie Edis, Susie Coop€r, Donna Horton and Mrs. Orme as an eager onlooker. All the style of Catie and Susie was not enough to beat speedy Donna. Donna assures us that she has never been on skis before but will one duy experience skiing on REAL snow rather than carpet. CONGRATULATIONS DONNA, on a terrific effort, and representing your school with style to create another 'FIRST' tor Brisbane Cirls' Grammar School.
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