1984 School Magazine
the peacemakers: for called the ghildren af
9 Blessed are they shall be God.
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G* {odsqte ltfiir*t Yt""t tuon4. F,,u,n 2 * y.x 3o*o onct &oo-n' f,.,t svo ,Oor.*n tcclunct fr a, tloXd t & +tos<4 fru*, q& t*,.r6 oga*], +at zr^r= tt r^torr-' Jk,,r i*bdr O? .oorrez{nnq xJ son (Po -(irrTJr/re ['D' rx' .€ =PAt= )a6sGD A-o.&tFrcr f5oNE>€.T-, lN Q*rei..€sS lDr+ARtNCr IN 5v^s1o€ts sYllB Ios Is HEE K 27 .8 .84 -2 . g . g4 The veek Has opened at a special asserbly by llr. Drex Hutton of Bri sbane C. A. E . nho spoke of the special responsibil ity of roren in peaceraking. lle also had a visit f rom Dr. Sinon Lathar of Physicians Against lluclear l{ar rho shored a film to Yean 12 students. The rajor focus of the yeek Has Dr. Keith Suter, General Secretary of the Connission on Social Responsibility of the Uniting Church, uho involved his listeners, Hhether in class groups or at an evening neeting, in his brilliant survey of the uorld scene and the prospects for peaceful I iving. 0ther activities of SYI,IBI0SIS Heek included tibrary displays, filnrs and a visit from I ibrary corrittee renbers of other school s uho j oined us for Iunch, an infornal concert and I col loqui unr . lle rere gl ad that the F ashion Extravaganza Has able to echo and reinforce our there so the ueek ended on a Iively but peaceful note. (o-txistence, t, rnutuof ossistolrce, ". .. . Utt)e Childnen tnan. bchtetn, diatnaught, con{uzed, diatne-taed...."" tl. 1euia S€ "" "..Ote &u,ll unpted,iclob/e, unlonfunnte e,nzort anttld end the live.t o{ nil/iona o{ imocenta...." fit. lluppnt l2L "tlraA.... /ihe an. o9to4tl with itA tentac)e-s neachiru2 out thnough the Snezent and. the {Lftlaap, Kdly Ldgh tx . . . . ?ence ia not on)y abpptry lluc)enn lhan, it ia o).n love and. {nlendzhip ond. abiding by the Lau.... " €. taairunight N "A ctovo. ovettho.ad cniez to the unn/d, it ia a aynbol o{ pcace to the unn/d...,, Itoqt Sg Simonn
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