1984 School Magazine
RADIO PAW PAW At the start of a new school year, it was very exciting to think we had been left by ourselves to manage the School Radio Station, Radio Paw Paw. However, amid the enthusiasm little did we realize how much work was involved in prod ucing a pre-recorded 30 min ute programme for Friday lunchtime. Each week we tried to pick music, news and views su!"rounding a certain them€, but after a while our ideas were exhausted, UNTIL . . We were conf ronted with a new horizon , "T he Coffee Shop". So work began immediately to produce a series of tapes containing some of the most requested songs in B.G.G.S., determined through the "Radio Paw Paw Hits Survey". This successf ully created a social atmosphere. During fourth term we called for volunteers willing to undertake the management of our Radio Station. This allowed them to undergo a training period in which they sampled some of the work and responsibility ahead of them. 1984 has been a funfilled and successf ul year for Radio Paw Paw and its followers. We wish the best of luck to the new managers for 1985 and thank you Cirls' Grammar for your support, it was a great experience. Don't forget . . "\Vhat's rou hd, orange and goes "tquelch" in the mouth ?" Radio Paw Paw!! Coodbye and Good luck from your Paw Paw Reps, Jo Hilder and Kelly Robinson
ZEN-DO.KAI KARATE DO Can you defend your honour? (Do you want to?) We can show you how . . Karate is an ancient art of self def ence. lt f ou nd its origins in Asia amongst the Buddhist monks who wanted to protect themselves from their overlords. They weren't allowed to carry any weapons and thus we get the term Karate meaning empty handed. The monks pretended to dance in the fields when in fact th"y were practising Kartas which were stylized f ighting routines. Zen-do-kai is a new style combining the best skills of the traditional styles. lt is great exercise for self discipline, sharp reflexes, and peace of mind, and is a medium through which one can vent pent up aggression and tension. At the same time one can gain an interesting insight into Asian culture, learning many traditional names. This year has been very busy for the club so far. We had our first taste of competition at a Tournament held in the School Auditorium in July.Our guests were Churchie, St Laurence and MacGregor. The Crammar Club fared very well coming second to St Laurence 27-28. There have also been two grad ings th is year the second one being a major event on the Zen-Do-Kai calendar with Kyoshi Bob Jones (the chief instructor) officiating. All members from our club who participated achieved a hiSher belt and we therefore owe a special thanks to Sensei Elsa Kalejs, for without her unabiding diligence and self control we would not have passed. Over the past month we have had up to a dozen new members which is very encouraging for the club. We all have loads of fun and it is reassuring to know that one day our Karate skills may save our lives. dart Rachel Stod
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