1983 School Magazine
(i) (2) (3) tr've been spending 1983 as a Grade Eleven student at B.G.G.S" llhis year in tsrisbane has been so different from a normai year that tr wouid spend in .trapan. For example: N982-J,&P,AFI-CIS,AKA (i) n took my shoes off before { entered my house. {2) tr always sat on chairs with legs arranged in a ladylike manner. (3) X loved ice cream, cakes, yoghurt, chocolate. (4) n had a normal weight. (5) nhavel dad, I mum,2sisters, l brother, l granny, 1 dog. (5) I spoke Japanese and { learnt English fronl books. N983 -,A{JSTRA]L{A - BR.{SBANE n come into my house with my shoes on. I sit cross-legged on the grass. Some things never change. (Vegemite included. tr hate it r) (4) X have a normal weight.+ 14 kg (2Y, stone). trt's disgusting! (5) Flus 4 dads, 4 mums, B sisters, 4 brothers, 4 cats, 2 dogs. (Ain't I lucky) (6) I still speak Japanese, but now I've learnt living English as well (the good and the bad). This year at school I've studied English, Japanese, Maths I, Chemistry, Health and P.E., and Music. I've been lucky because I haven't had to work hard this year, since it is not important for me to do well at school here. A lot of the pressure has been taken off me. I feel sorry for my teachers as I know they must feetr very frustrated when I don't understand things. I have been a member of Concert Choir this year and went away on the,Annual Combined Music Camp in June. That was a very interesting experience for me. I have spent a wonderful, lovely, great, exciting year in Australia. Thank you very much to my host families, friends and teachers, and my parents in Japan who gave me this great opportunity. I have no regrets at all. It has been a fantastic year. Kayoko Sugimoto
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