1983 School Magazine

,At this stage, Wornen's Crieket is not a Q.G.S.S.S.A. sport and the tearn plays in the ts Division of Q.W.C.A. (Queensland Women's Cricket Association) fixtures. ,Although E.G.G.S. eame fifth in the cornpetition, (only five teams participated) we were at least consistent, until the lasi match of the season whieh we won" Despite our lack of success, each player of the team had greatly irnproved by the end of the season. {.Jndoubtedly, the highlight of the season was our trip to Toowoomba Eoys' Grammar, where we played Mr. Geise's other Cricket team. The friendly atmosphere on and off the field made the day most enjoyable and we didn't mind losing the match. The T.G.S. and E.G.G.S. cricket match will hopefillly become an annual event. On behalf of the team, I would like to thank Mrs. trlancock for her interest and encouragement and for the support of our parents. Special thanks go to Mr. Warren our coach, Mr. tr-itster our umpire, Mr. Huppert, who generously donated team caps and Mr. and Mrs. Lovelock, who kindly allowed the team to hoid the cricket break-up party at their horne. Good luck to all those girls playing next season and hope you have as much fun as we did. Sally Young


nt may be unknown to many students of the'school that this year's E.G.G.S. Cricket team was not the first to represent Grammar in Cricket. Ninety years ago, a ts.G.G.S. eleven played against All Hallows in a Cricket rnatch at ,{lbion Park. Since then, 1982 has been the first year the school has been represented in Women's Cricket' This came about due to the enthusiasm of three ts.G.G.S. students, Jenny Kitchen, I(aryn Lun and Chris l-ovelock, who with Mrs. F{ancock's permission, persuaded Mr. Geise to be Cricket coach. As rnany of us had never played Cricket nor were familiar with the rules, one can imagine the frustration and anguish we caused Mr. Geise. F{owever, thanks to his patience and dedication, a team was forrned and we learned the basic skills of the game. {t was unfortunate when Mr. Geise mroved to Toowoornba, however, Sue Warren's father, Mr. Roger Warren took up the challenge of team coach.


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