1983 School Magazine


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T'HE SP@RT'S E{@N@UR ts@ARD At this year's first semester Sports Fresentation, the Sports Honour Eoard was unveiled. llhe idea for the Sports Board was originally conceived by the Fhysical Education staff four years ago, and has come to fruition with the support of the Principal, Mrs. F{ancock, and Bursar, Mr. John Willmott. The theme of the F{onour Board is the display of Sports Erooch holders and Australian representatives of the Brisbane Girls' Grammar School. The Sports Brooch was donated anonymously in 1917 and is the most prestigious sporting award in the school. It was originally made of gold by F{ardy Erothers of Brisbane, and now is made of sterling silver. The brooch is awarded to a girl who has achieved "Elue" standard in at least two sports and who has shown excellence of performance and sportsmanship. Miss Jessie Stephenson, an Old Girl ol the school and 1921 receiver of the Sports Erooch, officially unveiled the Honour Board and entertained the parents, staff and girls with anecdotes from her years at Girls' Grammar. P.H.S.

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Board by Miss Jessie 1921). Left to Right: J. . Judith Hancock, Dr. G.

Official opening of Sports Honour Stephenson (Sports Brooch receiver Stephenson, Pauline Harvey Short, Mrs Gehrmann.


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