1983 School Magazine
there when we (the senior team) needed her most! Another special thank you here to Lyndal Taylor, ts.G.G.S. Debating Captain 1979, for coaching us in our first debate. Of course, our families and friends have also given us support throughout the year. Finally, thank you to Therese, Kim, F{elen M., Helen ts., Libby and Anna H., the other senior debaters, who were always willing to help and support me through the year. Congratulations to all of you for your efforts throughout the year, and good luck in 1984. Grammar debating has really 'taken off' this year, and we've become a force to be reckoned with! Special thanks to Melissa 1\4ead for helping in tight spots.
Deirdre Mahoney (Debating Captain)
1983 has been an exceptionally eventful year for debating at Gramrnar, with pron-lises for even better things to come. Once again, we were able to enter teams in all three types of debating: Queensland Debating Union (QDU), Apex and Circuit. Unfortunately, due to severe cutbacks in the nurnber of tearns accepted by QD[J, we had to turn away many debaters at the beginning of the year. We launched into auditions during the second week of school, and were delighted at the high quality of all who spoke. eD{.J consists of a series of five debates, which were prepared for beforehand with concentrated effort. ,Apex debating allows a nurnber of different schools th'oughout the Erisbane region to meet in three debates, before entering the knockout rounds. Once again, standards were high. Circuit detrating also proved popular this year, with a lot of tin-re and effort going into frequent debates. F{ere our thanks rnust go to Mrs. Gunn and Mrs. Cook for their help with the eatering, as well as Cathy h/norris, Karen Angel, Craig Statham, Karen Schultz and Dr. Eaily, past Grarnmar students who were regular adjudicators. h4ore thail ever this year, Grarnmar was highly represented in public speaking competitions, with entries mainly from the senior school. Examples of the wide variety of eompetitions entered are l-ions Youth of the Year, "traycees 'Youth Speaks for,Austraiia', Rostrum, The Flain English Speaking Competition, and the {-aw Society Fublic Speaking Competit ion. School Day provided the perfect opportunity to display the skills gained during a year of debating. The Mer le Weaver Fublic Speaking Competition was held in the morning - our thanks to N.4iss Faterson for judging. nn the afternoon, a new style was tried - a parliamentary debate, inviting speakers from the floor to contribute. Many, many tlianks must go to l\llrs. Sanderson for co- ordinating E\/ER.YTF{II'iIG, and Nz{rs. Riggs and 1\4r. Dale for their much needed help and advice. Special thanks must go to Miss Burrows, for the great deal of extra time she gave to eoaehing our Grade 8 teams, and also for being 48
P-[JB{,IC SPEAKNNG Our school was well represented in a variety of public speaking competitions. Deirdre Mahoney, Catherine Martin and Elizabeth Jlynch entered the n-ions Youth of the year Contest, in which Elizabeth reached the second stage. Catherine N4artin and Deirdre Mahoney represented ts.G.G.S. in Rostrum, Deirdre reaching the second elimination round. N{elissa Mead and Deirdre Mahoney entered the l_aw Society Fublic Speaking Competition, in which Deirdre reached the semi-final. Elizabeth n-ynch reached the second stage of the Jaycees Youth Speaks for,Australia. Mimi Cardell was successful in the first round of the Flain English Speaking Competition. Deirdre Mahoney was the winner of our own well- contested Merle Weaver Fublic Speaking Competition held on School Day.
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