1983 School Magazine
r-{BRARV REPORT'19S3 This year the library has enjoyed rnany innovative activities. With the renovations, completed before school commenced at the beginning of the year, library iife was greatly simplified. The new entrance brings library users through a display foyer towards the catalogue and bookshelves, and without any extensions the library suddenly seems much larger. The new A.V. Store(the old bag racks!) is much more convenient and we use the old A.V. Store for storage of old periodicals and workspace. The theme for the year was "Rhythm of Life". Our displays explored this theme, with eggs at Easter, Mathematics in third term and ",A Musical Bouquet" for Chelsea Flower Show. This followed the unusual idea of subjects studied at high school being represented by children's nursery rhymes - each one a miniature garden cornplete in itself. School Day on iOth September carried the Rhythm of l-ife further, with displays and musical, callisthenic, dramatic, oratorical and puppetry performances. Genetics winds up the year in fourth term. Some of the seniors decided that a change in general approach and attitude, by the school as a whole, was required. These thoughts were precipitated by the increasing number of books lost through theft. The Student Representative Council, and specifically Libby ,Aitken and Nina Hill, carried out a survey of other school libraries, including Brisbane Boys' College and Camp Hill State High. We wondered about changes to the borrowing system and questioned the restriction of possible exits. We organised a library amnesty week, effectively advertised by Helen Moore's art work. Have we altered people's attitudes? That is the hardest part, but it is something that needs to be done. Let us not leave it in the 'too hard basket'. Thanks must go to Mrs. Riggs, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Richardson, Mr. Rowell and Mr. Hughes, who keep this integral part of the school functioning. The support of the Media Monitors was invaluable. Good luck to the Secretaries next year. Andrea Griffin (Joint Secretary, Beanland Library Committee)
RECOR.DER COI.{SORT The Recorder Consort is a new music group formed this year, and led by Miss Christine Duggan' The Group comprises students from Years Eight to Twelve. The Consort concentrates on mediaeval pieces and have performed a work by HenrY VIII. The Group has played at several concerts during the school year, and entered their first competition in October.
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