1983 School Magazine

On thc 19th of ,{ugust, the famous Forrnal Fartner llntroduetion Seheme began through the dancing etrasses hend at Boys' Grarnmar. nn the week following many dispirited girls realised that they had been deluded into imagining that a surplus of "knigtrts in sleining armour" wouid be present. The Student Representative Council also produced identification eards whieh, this year, were in great demand. Many peole attended the Fashion Extravaganza and were surprised at the difference in so rnany of our girls, when neinus their school uniform.

,4t last we started the final weetrr of sehool for thirci terrn with the Xnter-house Sports at Marist tsrothers College, Ashgrove. trt rvas a great day with everyone participating and gloriously ended with the presentation of trophies to the winning F{ouses. ,All unbiased observers were not surprised tLrat the best F{ouse, Wooleock, won both ttre tsallgames and overall points trophy, with Gibson winning the R.elay trophy. We are all looking foward to the Year 12 Formal on F'riday 16th September and this should be a fitting end t0 the terrn. Cathy Martin

nt's been a good year:

good work, good friends, and good fi-ln. We hope they continue to be for you. T-ove, {-ibby & Cathy

Thank-ygq to the Prefects who have done a magnificent job this year. C & L.

The next couple of, weeks were busy ones for the music department, with a workshop for the Concert Band on Thursday 18th, directed by an,American conductor, and a visit by the University of California State Choir. We also had performances on assembly by the Concert Band and Year B Choir, and all of these activities showed the benefit which so many of our girls receive from the efforts of the music department. The school family was also happy to have a lovely sunny area to frequent at the back of the administration block. The students are very grateful to all who made this transformation possible. On August 30th and 31st the senior students sat for their Australian Scholastic Apititude Test and we all hope for the best results, as the school average goes towards our Tertiary Entrance Scores. We appreciated the considerate efforts of the rest of the school to be quiet on these two mornings. The term was starting to wind down with many mid-semester, exams already over, but everyone co- operated to make September 1Oth a very successful School Day. The prefects helped at the Old Girls' Art Show on the Friday night. This was opened by Mrs. Bain, one of our Trustees. The next day was very long for many people, starting at 8.30 in the morning for the last round of the winter fixtures against St. Peters', and proceeding through till 7.30 at night with the conclusion of the annual S.R.C. barbecue and film. The atmosphere of School Day this year was incredibly friendly, with many things to do and see. Some of the more notable of these were, of course, the Year 12 Fashion Parade, Iron Maiden contest, clowning and many other displays portraying school life. The library played an intergral part in the day with many public speaking displays, including Deirdre Mahoney's win in the Merle Weaver Speaking Contest. A mention must also be made of the tremendous displays in other subject areas, particularly those of the Science Department which aptly fitted the theme of School Day - "Taking off in '83".

Of course there is another side to the Prefects


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