1982 BGGS Magazine
Subtraction Addition Multiplication Division
. . Endless lines of numbers whizz ing through my h ~qd
1066 1492 1848 1914 Facts. More Facts. I can ' t keep track! Verb Subject Adjective Noun Where will it ever stop? Drawing in a sea of useless information. When is my mother's birthday? Can't remember. Too busy.
2. -me
Too many facts and figures Were they all important? Help! Mum's sick. What can I say to her? "The square root of nine is three"? She's not getting any be(ter They didn't teach me at school what to say to a dying mother. Do I comfort her by saying "Napoleon died alone on St. Helena in 182J"? · Would she like to know perhaps that millions ofpeople have died of the Bubonic · plague over the centuries? Mum, please don't go. I don't know what to say. They don'i teach us these sorts of things at school. How do I say I love you? I can spell it. Would that be good enough? Please don't leave me. I don't like being alone ...
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Please come back ... A new date to learn. Julia · Mainstone 1 OE:
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