1982 BGGS Magazine


Wake up . . Oh no! - 7.45 a.m., It's Monday not Sunday .. . Get to school at 8.30 a.m. Just in time for roll call Forgot to bring money for excursion Scabbing around the dass to obtain 50c ... We're all misers. Ist lesson - science . .. Forgot to do your homework (That's what they all say) 2nd lesson - english ... Sneek a little nap 3rd, 4th, 5th lessons all pass slowly Lunchtime ... sit on the Western wing stairs, outside W. l3 and watch the boys over at Grots School. 6th lesson .. . try to explain that you're late because there were only three toilets with paper, and a long queue. 7th lesson .. . boring! Roll Call . . . straighten your tie, brush your hair ... It's time to mix with the boys on the 737 ... Only hoping that today you won't lose your hat out of the window! There must be a better way. Jo Hilder


I never write like poets ofall the pleasures each successive season holds No Wordsworth I to greet with joy the early Spring Or Keats to praise the gifts of Autumn's hand The Winter of my discontent comes twice each year when lengthy nights of study keep me from my bed And Summer days likewise ·are two tiJJ1es spent for each exam brings thoughts of empty days ahea.d. Josephine Thomis. 12£.


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