1982 BGGS Magazine


Incidentally, the canoes were officially launched on School Day and Mrs Hancock requested that they be named after all of the chairmen to date of the Fathers' Group and Mr Bill Ward present President of the P. & F. Association. The names of the canoes are GORDON, HICKEY, MAHONEY, MORRIS, THOMSON and WARD and on behalf of the above I extend our thanks to Mrs Hancock. This year we decided not to have a wine bottling, which admittedly is a break of a tradition commenced by our initial chairman, Dr Gordon. It is hoped that maybe next year we will have arranged to obtain bottled wine, possibly with our own label, from a respected winery. This year has flown fairly fast, and we have only had one social event. The Bush Dance and Bar-B-Que again with the Bail 'em Bush Band was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. It is definitely an event that all members of the family can participate in whether young or old. Next year it is hoped that a calendar can be organised amongst the Groups within the School, of which there is getting to be more each year, so that social activities do not coincide. On behalf of the Fathers ' Group, I would like to thank both Mrs Hancock and Mr Madden for their attendance at our monthly meetings, for the interesting talk that Mrs Hancock always gives us, and for the help, support and assistance they both give to the Group throughout the year. In conclusion I would also like to extend my personal thanks to the other members of the Committee and also to the Fathers who regularly attend our meetings and give their support, time and ingenuity and their involvement in our working bees.

The Fathers' Group has again achieved another enjoyable and somewhat successful year in 1982. With each new school year, we endeavour to complete all of our unfinished works from the previous year, and to plan and commence new projects. Earlier in the year we assisted Mrs Ashton in carrying out landscaping in front of the school and, no doubt, eventually the lovely trees and shrubs will help to enhance the entrance of the school. At present we are still working on the construction of the stone walls adjacent to the tennis courts and volley ball court. More construction work will be required, and we have recently purchased more stone for this purpose. The planting of trees and shrubs will continue in this vicinity, especially on the embankment,helping to beautify and retain this area. However, at present, our most urgent project is the construction of a 6m 2 slab of concrete with retaining walls, ready for the erection of a modular shed complete with a roller door to house the newly acquired Canadian canoes, canoe trailer and safety equipments and tents,all purchased by the Fathers' Group. Th is would be our biggest project so far and has come about by the kind graces of the P. & F. Association who have kindly granted us a loan to enable us to purchase all of the above equipment. The purpose of the exercise is eventually to eliminate the high cost to the school of renting canoes and all safety jackets and other essential articles, and also a trailer to transport all this equipment. Initially it was our intention only to purchase a number of three-man tents but the decision was then reached to extend the project to include all of the above. Therefore we will be endeavouring to raise as much money as quickly as possible to meet our commitment. I would hope that we receive the support of all parents in our fund raising activities, and you will be notified of same in the weekly newsletter.

Donald Thomson, Chairman, FATHERS' GROUP.


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