1982 BGGS Magazine

MOTHERS' GROUP REPORT 1982 has been a very busy but happy and rewarding year. Our first activity was the "Welcome to Mothers" in February, which was very well attended. In March we held our film night at the Schonell Theatre. The films, "From Mao to Mozart" and "Rosie the Riveter;' were most enjoyable. Our next function was Fashion Flair '82. This was a total involvement of girls, parents and school. That the parade was such a success is a tribute to the hard work of so many and the enthusiasm of the girls. Once again Dancing classes were held in July. All the girls and boys seem to enjoy these classes which culminated in a social evening in August. Also in July was our Musical Luncheon. The entertainment on this day was superb. We greeted spring with our Day in a Garden on September 1st. This was an enjoyable relaxed day. On School Day the mothers showed their talents with the quality of the food t hey produced for the light refreshments served in the Boarders Dining Room. Our last function of the year is an end-of-year lunch at Petrie Mansions iii November. This is a day when the mothers can relax and let someone else do the work. With the money raised from these functions, we have carpeted four rooms in W wing, curtained two, provided floor cushions for the Lunsie Dept. and funded the buying of greeting cards featuring the school. None of this just happens. It is all the result of hard work and co-operation and, in this respect, I cannot thank the mothers enough. Also my thanks to Mrs Hancock and the teaching staff who have happily addressed our meetings and helped in other ways, the office staff who sent out our Luncheon Notices, and the groundsmen, particularly Ted, who have lifted, laid, carried and set up for us on so many occasions. Above all I hope you might agree with Chris Madden's comment "How come the mothers work so hard to make money and seem to have so much fun doing it." I wish the incoming committee as much pleasure in their year as I have had in mine. Jan Macfarlane.


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