1982 BGGS Magazine
On a cold Saturday morning, approximately twenty Girls' Grammar girls confronted Cleveland with camping gear and enough equipment to last a year. Three brave teachers, Mr Stewart, who organised the trip, Miss Turner (bribed to come along) and Mr Hughes accompanied us safely on a barge to Moreton Island. On arrival, we divided into two groups. One group jumped on the landrover to I'ook for a suitable site, and the other group walked and walked and walked . When all was safely unloaded and rested, and the tents were up, the fires were made and everything seemed fine until someone (not mentioning any names) decided she wanted to be shown the nearest bathroom. We had no electricity, nothing that was civilized, not even a loo! After careful construction, designing and luck, Mr Stewart, Susan P . Year 11, and I managed to create "the Loo". No real complaints followed. The evenings were spent singing, or attempting to sing, to the accompaniment of Anne Reath (who knew all the songs). The early risers included Sue, Leigh and Leonie brave Year 12's, who started the day with a hot cup of coffee whilst some of us rested in bed, hoping to remain. During the day, after the laborious task of cooking our breakfast, and cleaning up using the be~t detergent available and sea water, we divided into two groups. The first group went hiking, and climbing a mountain (lots of fun if you enjoy pain!), while the other group were having it easy in a landrover with Mr Stewart as guide. By the end of the day, we were all starving and exhausted, when we EVENTUALLY all returned. A surprise guest, Madeline Ciento, Year 11, visited Lisa D, Jane E, Marian W, Linda G, and others for a time, while the rest of us sat and talked and sang - again . Overall it ended up being a very enjoyable and productive experience for all those city slickers who were not used to "roughing" it!! Off the barge and home, reluctantly of course, we all decided that the trip was too short, and hope to be invited again next year. Sonja Roeser 11 Gibson '82 _
The day was a clear Thursday on the 24th of June as 50 lithe, sporting students boarded the T.A.A. flight under the quarvering eye of 5 apprehensive staff members, fornot only were we evading a whole, half day of school, but revelling in our first day of post-exam relief, with the forthcoming 3! days acting as the spigot - releasing an entire semester's worth of embroiled tension. As you could well imagine, the teachers selected for this daunting task had to be of a unique breed, with character pre-requisites such as a jovial spirit, a sense of fascination for life's many oddities, a vivid and tireless imagination with a magically unfailing sense of humour and finally, a vital level of fitness. The teachers p.ossessing all these traits in plentiful abundance were: Mr and Mrs O'Shea, Miss Williamson, Miss Keeley and Mr Warden. Due to depleted numbers on Townsville's behalf - the select group of staff managed to mockingly defeat us in teachers versus students games of both hockey and tennis. Basketball offered the best competition with some hard hot games giving the girls a rigorous warm up to the forthcoming winter season. Volleyballers, also had an opportunity to donn their sports briefs (not without considerable reluctance) and reveal their long, luscious (??) legs. Netballers, too, had an opportunity to "find their feet" on tpe grass courts - which proved to be one of the A grades downfalls later in the season. Thus, the P.E. staffs 1982 trip - this year being to Townsville Grammar (our sister school and former sporting guests) proved to be a chance to unwind, get together and warm up (literally!) for the winter fixtures. Thanks to all the teachers and girls whose spirit helped enhance the trip into one worth remembering! Enbroiled tensions were no trouble to purge on our trip to Magnetic Island. There we'' spent a languorous day exploring the wonders of the beautiful island - quite often through the open air windows of a colourful island jalopy. Vanessa Coates 61
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