1982 BGGS Magazine

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For he that was only taught by himself had a fool to his master. - "Ben Jonson, Explorata: Consilia. "[(now the dissection of a rat~ dare I say inside and out."

"Are there any more girls to be handed in?" "W auld you read on, Angela . . . aloud?"

. "They were in a kind ofcircle that was more or less square." "/think my head's shrinking . .. my glasses keep falling off my face." HThere's nothing wrong with legs,· I'm glad we've got them." "Julius Caesar held the position of Pontifex Maximus. It was . an influential position but nothing to write home about." "What's making it so quiet here? Whatever it is I want to reproduce it!" "That is, if he or she is male." To Grade Twelves: HTiny little kids your age." "I feel like being stimulated." "The downfall of the Roman Republic is like a mini 'Dallas' with lots of little J.R. 's about facing and killing each other."


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