1982 BGGS Magazine
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DEBATING REPORT This year, debating has proved to be, yet again, a very popular activity with many B.G.G .S. students. At the inter- school level we have debaters, with another thirty or so who debate socially. Grammar participates in two inter-schoo l debating competitions. In the Apex competition the two Senior teams won their way into the District Finals. The Senior B team, consisting of Therese McLauchlan, Kim Johnson and Helen Moore, went on to the Zone Finals he ld in Chinchilla where they performed very well. The Grade 8 and Junior teams have also done very well. The Queensland Debating Union also runs a highly- competitive debating contest. This year teams from Gram- mar have performed very well. In addition to inter-school debating, B.G .G .S . a lso participates in Circuit Debating with other independent schools in Brisbane. This is social debating and the topics are often less serious than competitive topics; as a result this form of debating can be a lot of fun. I feel that debating is a very worthwhile activity as it teaches you to have confidence when speaking in public, and it encourages clear and ordered thought. I would hope that many more girls will become involved in debating next year. Thanks th is year must go to all the coaches especially Mrs Sanderson and Mr Dale for all their hard work. Good luck to all the debaters next year. Louise Curtis (Debating Senior)
E.G.O. The Environmental and Gardening Organization of B.G.G.S. or better known as E.G.O., is a slow but diligent group of girls who look after a designated area of the grounds. We meet every Friday lunch hour in the bush house at the end of the Science Wing. This year we have ten members, the greater number being Year Eight. The office bearers include Amanda Stickely as President, Sharon Bailey as Secretary, and Louise Storie as Treasurer. This year is special because of the Year of the Tree, and we have embarked on a rainfores t programme near the science car park . We hope to plant before the wet season fifty trees donated by the City Council. We have also participated in the Chelsea Flower Show, donating the plants which were on display in the library. We hope to be successful on our "Plant Stall" this School Day, and continue with different projects in the future.
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