1982 BGGS Magazine

E.E.A. Every Wednesday afternoon for the last two periods all the girls of the Grade II and 12 classes partake in which is generally known as E.E.A. - or Extension Educat ion Activities. As the title suggests, these activities are designed and provided for us, to extend our ordinary school education programme and, hopefully, our knowledge. The wide range of courses available are as varied as our interests, and this provides a great opportunity for each individual to extend in something that particularly interests her. Some examples of these activities are: scuba diving, cultural walks , horse riding, drama, photography, pottery, Mexican and yeast cooking, tapestry, canoeing, cycling, meditat ion . . . to name but a few. Each sesson on a particular activity lasts five weeks, after which a new unit is begun. There are six such sessions throughout the year, each falling under a specified title. The Grade II 's are required to take two compulsory sessions, entitled: (I) Personal Development, led by Mrs Hancock and a variety of guest speakers deals with such aspects as Women's Lib, rape and birth control, and (2) Service, in which each girl must attend a home, hospital or institution where experience is gained through helping and caring for others . The other four electives are all under following categories: Physical ; Craft ; Mental and Miscellaneous. The choices available for the Grade 12 ' s are the same, excluding the Personal Development Session, which is replaced with a repeat of any other activity, listed in the above categories. All participating in E.E.A. have a lot of fun, while at the same time learning something new, and meeting different people from other classes and grades. Our thanks must go to Miss Paterson and Miss Greet for their time consuming organization of the programme, and to those teachers who willingly give up their time to take the sessions. Cathy Yule 12 Gibson


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