1982 BGGS Magazine

GRIFFITH HOUSE REPORT 1982 has proven that Griffith House can have its cake and eat it as well I However all this would not have been possible if it were not for a special brand of enthusiasm born and bred in Griffithians at all levels, staff and students alike. A sensational cheer squad, complete with Griffith T-shirts, red mini-skirts and striped boaters, led the sounds to cheer the house home at the swimming carnival held in early February. Although we did not win numerically we did however begin to ' feel' our identity. Several weeks later, in March, we held the house Bar-b- que, which brought people together in an informal at- mosphere to uphold the aim of the House system - that of developing the co-operation and communication between students. This barbie obviously did something to inspire the house as at the next activity, the Inter-house Athletics, we won! This victory was celebrated with a large cake, shared by the entire house and proved that the wings of the Griffin enable us to fly - both to the finishing line and to victory. After weeks of rushing around to find spare (workable) pianos, recruiting anyone in range and distinguishing between loud a nd soft, the Griffith choir presented themselves for the choral competition held on the final day of First Semester. Singing 'Feelin' Groovy' and 'The Lord is My Shepherd', our choir won the R. T. Jefferies Choral Competition, providing the occasion once again, for a cake. A special thank you must be extended to all those who diligently attended rehearsals and to our accompanist, Anne Millar (Grade II). Once again, the School Day festivities, were led by Grif- fith 's Donut Stall, ably directed by the Year II ' s, and a Pick- the-Box Stall. The co-operation and enthusiasm displayed by the girls on the day was appreciated. The Griffithian enthusiasm has been contributed to by various forces: the staff have been an endless supply of help with anything from cooking at the house Bar-b-que's to fund raising, the entire house, without whose support, no cakes could have been achieved; special mention and thanks must be given to the Year 12's in particular to the House-Group Seniors, Natalie Savage, Sports Captain and Janet Utting. A special thanks must go to our marvellous House Mistress, Mrs R. Colwill. All the best for the future! Kerrin Briant


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