1982 BGGS Magazine

GIBSON HOUSE: 1982 STYLE 1982 has been a busy House year, yet again with the ~wimming carniva!, athletics, ยท chorale competition, I~te~house gymnastics, interhouse debating, School Day, picmc races etc. etc. etc. And as usual Gibson House has tackled it all with their ever distinctive House-pride and spirit. The year started off well as several of the vastly experienced (??) year 12 girls were given the task of orientating the new year 8 Gibson additions. (We still don't know who was more nervous - the new grade 8's or the "new" grade 12's ...). What a relief to find an eager new group whose drive and enthusiasm hasn't lagged all year. Having spent the first couple of weeks of 1982 in preparation, the inter-house swimming carnival marked the smash-~it launching of this years fashion in cheer squad- wear with the advent of brand new uniforms made by the able hands of several year 12's and their mothers. The new look, plus the rendition of a few old and a few new cheers m~de for a very enjoyable day and a more than pleasing third place. Although proud of every girl that swam especially so were we of our points aggregate champion: Sally O'Carroll.

The next big calendar event was the Gibson House, second-birthday party, starting off with indoor and outdoor games, followed by a delicious dinner of chicken, fried rice and spring rolls and topped off with a massive birthday cake kindly donated by Mrs Jameson. The interhouse athletics later proved to be an afternoon of fun and relaxation (anyway who really cares where you come; it's the fun that counts!!!). Years 8 and 9 distinguished themselves by both winning their respective softball round robins, as did year I 0 by their wonderful Easter party for the children of the Valley Child- care Centre. And the whole house distinguished itself in the R. T. Jeffries Chorale Competition, with voices of pure silver and months - well, weeks - of concerted practice culminating in the perfection that brought us into second place, just one point behind Griffith House! Thanks must go to our trainer- with-the-patience-of-a-saint, Liz Meier and our brilliant accompanist, Cathy Yule, and of course all the girls who practised and performed so well. Although the interhouse gymnastics wasn't exactly one of our victories this year we were well represented, particularly by Helen Wordsworth who gained a first place on the bars.


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