1981 School Magazine


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A.s you sit there talking to the class, I think I really could like you, if only You weren't a teacher. Why must you be Afflicted with that terrtble disease, prone To leachers, to break down, analyse and Search for the deeper meaning of life. Is it Some ntask j-ou rl)ear, to be discarded At the day's end? - Oh no! As I walk along The beach, content with the beauty und silence Of all but the breaking and lapping of waves On the shr.tre, an excited voice disturbs mv l)reunt. I Iurn around to see you analysiig Rock /brmation. Immediately my false illusions Of peace lurnble as the pressure and anxiety Of the day to come invade my mind. I shrug, Pit!-ing you, who cannot .see the beauty of The world as a whole. I guess I could Like you, i.f only, you weren't a teacher. Cindy Cantamessa

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