1981 School Magazine
Yawn Stretch Wriggle Scratch Slowly Yawn Rub your eyes Droop Drop Slumber Shake
Stretch Glance Around And Wide Awake Clock Ticks Bell Rings Hurray!
Two guardians Had watched her, Yet she had slipped Through their ring of P rotec t iveness. And, now, she can no longer admit her innocence. Closely, closely, they Had watched her every movement But they had been blind to Her need for Freedom, So she had struggled harder, S earching and searc hing. She had reached out to grasp The unatlainable - Had caught the first refreshing drops Of love - Had chased dazedly towards its beckoning call, Had found it in all its beauty and splendour - Had been caught up in its wildness To be distracted from reality. Then, .suddenly, it had left her: Alone. She had already said goodbye to the Rest of the world For she had placed all her trust I n love. For surely such beauty could not vanish. Yet did it so. for From beauty must come ugliness, From love must one day be sorrow. From life mu,st come death. From innocence must come experience. And, now, she can no longer admit her innocence. A. ZofJles (12)
There SHE sits all ALONE
As others pass they sneer
SHE'S "different" But still a person Deep and Meaningful but relentlessly SHECRIES...
ln an unguarded moment No-one hears They're too busy lmpressing Enjoying others
PLEASE Before it's too late Give her love and warmth
r I d too
Jane Lynagh
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