1981 School Magazine

Notes on Past Students

Old Girls' Association Once again it is time to record some of our activities during the year, which began in February with the Annual General Meeting and Dinner at the Zebra Motel. We were pleased to welcome Mrs. Hancock, girls from last year's sixth form and other new members, especially those who have joined our committee. It was decided to resume the publication of a news letter and this was compiled in April, although undoubtedly the dornestic notes and other news were far lrom complete. We would appreciate any items of interest regarding old girls, and suggestions for lunctions, and these may be forwarded to the Secretary, care of the school. In May we held a very informal Re-union and Devonshire Tea at school. During the afternoon Miss Marjorie Elliste spoke about her student days (rather than as a mistress as so many ol us remember her) and Mrs. Doreen Yeates recalled her role as a member of the school staff. Later Mrs. Hancock arranged lor a few ofthe boarders to take groups ofold girls on a tour inspection of the school including the boarding house. Our tenth Annual Art Show was held from 1lth to 13th September and once again was a wonderful success both socially and financially. There was a wide variety of Art and Cralt displays and demonstrations and something of interest to all who attended. This is our major function and the com- rnittee would like to thank everyone who assisted with the organization of the Art Show. During the past year we have learned ol the death of the lollowing Old Girls and extend our sympathy to their relatives: - Mrs. Gloria MacMillan (nee Buck) Mrs. V. A. Horwood Miss Joan Kelly Mrs. Margaret Crammond (nee Shallcross) We would like to congratulate two Old Girls who have receiv- ed awards recently - Miss Thalia Kennedy who was award- ed at M.B.E. in the Queen's Birthday Honours list' At the end ol this year Miss Kennedy will retire as Head Mistress of Ipswich Girls' Grammar School and we wish her well in her retirement. Nancy Spencer who was named "Apprentice ol the Year" attended Grammar 1972-71 . Nancy is employed by the Queensland Electricity Generating Board and will complete her studies for a Diploma in Electrical Engineering at the Queensland Institute of Technology this year. The committee had the opportunity of assisting with the rele- vant section of the School Evaluation which was completed during the year. This was a very interesting exercise and a reminder of the importance and satislaction gained by the co- operation ol the whole School community. We would like to thank Mrs. Haricock and all members ol stall who have oflered assistance and encouragement throughout the year. Finatly we wish the girls leaving school every success and look lorward to their continued association with the school as members ol the Old Girls.

A past student of B.G.G.S., Gaylen Rogers, has been named Nurse ol the Year lor 1981. Gaylen left Grammar in 1912, and trained at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, from where she graduated in 1916. In 1977 Gaylen undertook a Paediatric Course at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth. In 1979 she worked in the United States at Arkansas Childrens' Hospital, where she studied oncology. Gaylen returned to Princess Alexandra Hospital in 1980, where she is currently working as Charge Nurse of the On- cology Ward. Nancy Margaret Spencer was selected as Apprentice of the Year from six finalists at a ceremony in Brisbane in August. Nancy left B.G.G.S. in 1977 and undertook a Radio Mechanics apprenticeship whilst studying for an Associate Diploma in Electrical Engineering part-time at Q.I.T. At the end of l98l she will have qualified as an Electronics Techni- cian. Nancy works intensively with computers. Catherine Jane Milliken left Brisbane Girls' Grammar School on completion of her secondary education, and studied at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, from which she graduated in 1977.In 1978 she became Caltex Woman Graduate of the Year for Queensland, and in 1918-19 she obtained a German Government Scholarship for two years enabling her to study the oboe in Freiberg with Heinz Holliger. ln 1979 she won the Woolworth Award at the Perth National Eisteddlod. Catherine is at present furthering her studies at the Hochschule ltir Musik in Hanover, and she is a member of the German Student Orchestra which gives concerts in many of the capital cities in Germany.


A school on The Terrace amidst flowers, trees, birds - an image to treasure - a flight of words. Round the grounds I walk thinking how you'll look what you'll say. The bell rings. In a flash it's that first - that last day. Birth. love death - assembly each morning. I return to the still-point. The embryo's forming. Jocelyn Ortt-Saeed. Awarded the Lyric Prize in 1950

Lyle Schwarten Vice- President.

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