1981 School Magazine
Mothers Group Report The Mothers Group has had another busy year. Meetings have been generally well attended, and Mrs. Hancock and other members ol stall have given very interesting talks. Mr. Bourke explained the new computer, and Miss Greet, the Rosba system. Mr. Madden, together with Peter Morris and Bill Ward talked about proposals being considered lor the Conondale property, and Miss Paterson gave a most in- teresting talk about the Mental Abilities trip to Fiji. Our first term lunction was a lilm evening with champagne and chicken supper at the Schonelle Theatre. Both films, "Madame Rosa" and "Le Cavaleur" were most enjoyable. Second term was very busy. The Fashion Extravaganza was held on Saturday 23rd May. Alter a great deal ol hard work by girls, mothers and several staff members, we had a most successlul evening. During this term also, dancing classes were held. Once again the boys were a little slow in coming forward, but we had almost equal numbers, and the young ones seemed to have fun. Their dancing certainly improved over the lour weeks and they all entered into the spirit offan- cy dress for the last night. On the last day of the term we held a stalf Iuncheon on behalf of the P & F Association. Third term brought School Day, a tremendous success in planning and co-operation. Everyone worked very hard and we were pleased to be part ol it. Our last function lor the year will be a "Spring Luncheon" to be held at Petrie Mansions in October. We hope it will be a relaxed and happy end-of-year gathering. We will have raised about $5000 this year. Money raised last year was spent during the Christmas holidays on new desks and carpet lor a classroom and on furnishing and carpeting of the Senior boarders sitting room. Money has recently been allocated for providing new curtains lor Wl3 and W14 and also lor a synthesizer and four-channel stereo deck to be used in Music, Speech and Drama, and English subject areas. Finally I would like to thank all those who have made our year successful; those mothers who have planned and organized lunctions, sold tickets, cooked for us, served suppers, washed dishes and modelled clothes; the girls who showed such enthusiasm for the Fashion Extravaganza; the teaching stall who were always willing to help when needed; the office stafl who cheerfully dispatched endless notices lor us; and the groundsmen who did so much lilting and shifting and setting-up for us. Diana Falconer President
Fathers Group Report The Fathers' Group within the B.G.G.S. Parents' and Friends' Association continued to give the opportunity for fathers' involvement in their daughters' school. During the year this involvement has been achieved by a blend of social, advisory, sporting and grounds improvement activities. The Group made two visits to the Conondale property; one to assist in an assessment of the property's potential, and the other as a lamily picnic day. The major social event for the group was the Bush Dance and B.B.Q., with music provided by the Bail-'em-up Bush Band. This night was enjoyed not only by the parents but also by all age groups that participated. Social events must surely in- clude our chief fund-raiser - the production of the 1 98 I vin- tage B.G.G.S. wine bottling. Ground improvements continued with lurther work on the Memorial garden, planting on the bank between the tennis court and volley ball court, and paving of an area with cobblestones. We hope that luture extension of this area adja- cent to the Boarding House will provide a precinct in har- mony with the school buildings and environment. Members oi the Group have also continued their association with various school sporting teams. On behall ol all members of the Fathers' Group, I would like to thank Mrs. Hancock and the members of staffl, who have provided support and assistance to the Group throughout the year. I would also like to extend my personal thanks to the members, and in particular to the members of the Com- mittee, ior all the time and ellort which they have put into our activities on behall ol the school Peter Morris Chairrnan, Fathers' Group
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