1981 School Magazine
w* ;t,M those who sang, including Mrss da
our pianist, and to all
Costa-Roque and Miss Morrison
Another rnajor event was our annual "Miss Boarding House" Cornpetition. The girls' enthusiasm turned this intJ an excellent night, with a selection ol Grade l2's from the Boys' (irantmar Boarrding House announcing Tammy Dalla- Costa as Queen and Antanda Hurwood as princesj. C)n several occasions throughout the year, a number of boarders petrticipated in lund raising activities for organizations such as the Blue Nursing and Red Shield Appeals. Frorn their ellorts more than $200 was raised lor the Blue Nursing and over S300 lor the Red Shield Appeal. Apart I'ront these money raising ventures, the Boarding House held a "Wake-a-thon" to raise money to help send i (irade 8 Boarder, Vanessa Golden to Fiji tor the Mental Olynrpics. The Wake-a-thon required girls to stay awake for l a nrininturr o1'24 hours, which was managed by the majority : ol'girls - however, the rnajority ol seniors comprised ttr-e i minority. The -eirls were kept awake by varied'activities ; throughout the night which resulted in more than $700 being rrriscd lor Vcnessr's trip. This year. rve becante skilled at evacuating the Boarding House in the event ol fire. The job of implementing these manouvres was bravely taken on by a certain Boarding Prelect who created a "real life" situation by burning the loast and therel-ore consequently assured the presence ol'the Fire Brigade at one of these "emergencies". Next terrn, among other activities such as dances and sports days, we hope to have a picnic at the School property, Conon- dale. As well as this. there will also be the "Table paity', com- petition and C-'hristrnas Party lor the under-privileged children olSpring Hill, both olwhich are held alter ihe Gride l2's have lelt. It is alrvays this last term in which the Grade I I girls begin to take over the senior responsibilities ol the Boarding Com- nrunity and I wish thern every success in all they endeavour to
achieve in 1982. Sue White Head Boarder ,;
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