1981 School Magazine

Music Camp Report 1981 Sun, sand, surf, Grant Kenny, moonlit strolls on the beach, new rorlrances, "gourmet" lood followed by McDonald l'easts, jogs, swirnming. tennis. football . . . but to dampen our spirits rve were ocassionally reminded ol why we were Rtr,ALt-Y at Alerandra Headlands - rehearsals! Yes. that annual B.G.G.S. and B.G.S. Music Carnp. Actually, rve did do some practising, and we all improved. (Well, rve couldn't get lnuch worse!) The typical day began with a cheerl'"RISE AND SHINE, IT'S BREKKY Tl ME" over the loud speaker (iollowed by a series ol' groans, screams and snores) accompanied by the Parade Band rnarching stylishly round the oval and blaring their instrunrents. Then, alter scrambled eggs, it was olf to seclional practice; concert choir, B.G.G.S. and B.G.S. con- cert bands. orchestra or B.C}.S. dance bands. Alter three morning rehearsals we were so hungry we'd eat anything, rvhich the kitchen stall prontptly took advantage of! Aflter- noon was free tinre - tirne to "hit the tubes" as said by one ol lhe top surlies at camp). Evenings were lun, but night times were better, as Danny Kirye and Dick Van Dyke swept us off our 1r-'ct. It rvas so good, we'll see you there next year.. . perhapsll Barbara Hodsson and Carev McCulloch

The Fijian Open Mental Abilities Tournament

At the end ol August I was able to join Vanessa Golden from year 8 and Nicole Hodsdon liom year 9 to represent the school at the Fiji open Mental Abilities Tournament. We travelled with Miss Paterson to Suva, where we had a most interesting and successlul time. This was the second year that the contest had been held and last year the entrants had all come lrom schools in the Fijian group of islands. This year an invitation was extended to many countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, but Girls' Gramrnar was the only school to accept. We flew to Suva on Sunday August 3l and the com- petition took place lrom the Monday to the Thursday of that week. We were very lortunate to have an invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Prasad, who are relatives of Mrs. Sharma, to stay in their home and their lriendship and hospitality helped make our visit even more enjoyable. They took us sightseeing and shopping after the contest was completed and we lound the beaches and the market areas most interesting. The contest was a great multicultural experience as we had ample opportunity to mix with the other contestants and learn something about their lilestyles in the Fijian islands. It was also very successful lor our team as rve accumulated sui- licient points to win the award lor the champion school, and we were happy to bring the prized dictionary back to Gram- mar. I am sure Vanessa and Nieole enjoyed the whole ex- perience as much as I did and would like to join me in thank- ing Miss Paterson, our chaperone, and everyone else who helped rnake the trip possible. Catherine Martin

Science School - Sydney l-or t'nvo weeks (-jl August - ll September) I attended the Science School in Sydney. Participants were chosen by assessment ol Biology, Physics and Chemistry ratings. a relerence lron.r the F{ead Mistress. and a short subrnission on u'hy they woulcJ like to attend. There rr:ere sludents {l-orn all ovr:r the rvorld - Iceland. Japan, Neu'Zealand - and we stayed at Cranbrook - an exclusive school Ibr young gentlernen in Sydney (the gentlemen. of'course. being on holiday at the time). l-ectures on genetic engineering were held at Sydney Univer- sity, and the lecturers did much to inflate our egos by ad- dressing r-rs as'The bright young Scientists of the luture!'This nray be true. as I have never met se manv people who can solve the Rubic cube in one minute. The weekends and evenings u,ere I'ree lor sightseeing and I had a wonderful and

interesting lbrtnight. Lvndall .lones l2Gr


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