1981 School Magazine
Melbourne Gymnastic Exchange Therewasamixtureolexcitementandcautionlingeringin tt'r" ui.otpt't.re at Brisbane Airport on Monday 22nd June' Approximately iifty Brisbane Girls' Grammar School gym- r;i;, ;h;t..on"d 6y a nervous Miss williamson and Miss f."ty, *uit.d to boird a plane destined lor Melbourne' We had naturally been prepared for the cold' but our H "fUouin. contacts had not warned us olthe low risk ofsun cancer down there, as we stood helplessly watching our hats Lio* ou"t the ground. Alter a quick tour of Melbourne's city ini".ert spots,-each girl finally reached.the awaited moment - meeting her 'lillet and roast family'' Tuesday dawned foggy and cold, and it was a shivering' but rtili tuf f.utiu" groupi"ho reunited on the bus on our way to the Victorian Xalionat Art Gallery Alter two interesting dis- nlavs lor students of Strathcona School' Tuesday evening irr*la.J us w ith our first competition - a rhythmic competi- iion against Strathcona. To our surprise, each gymnast was ;;;"il;i" individualty, which we we.re to.tally unprepared i;r, ;;d competing against some of Victoria's top rhythmic ;;;;il did not"boist our condidence' But we still per- F'irrn"J "-,r"mely well, winning Hoop Division' and taking several individual places in each division: Hoop - 2nd Leanne Wood 3rd Anne Hawke Ball - 2nd Natacha DobrovolskY Ribbon - 3rd Sue Wilson
lst Susie CooPer 2nd Leslie Hawke 3rd Christine Gluskie 3rd Fiona Davidson lst Naomi Kikkawa 2nd Judy Wordsworth
l-evel 3 -
Level 4 - Level 5 -
Onen - lsl Sue Bendeich '
2nd Helen Wordsworth 3rd Jenni Clark We spent a fun-filled Thursday at Sovereign Hill' Riding in tlorr" dru*n carriages, having our ^photo taken in old- lashioned costume, "uting uti t-orts oi fattening foods' and ;;;t;; ; t;wfight on theioadside on our return trip were all l".fri"J in our"days' activities' Some ol us enjoyed a fun- lilled night as well. I don't think Myer were quite expecti-ng.fifty Brisbane girls to ,""iJ ift"- on Friday morning' -But I think. both parties en- j;y;i ih;'.^p..i.n.l. Then clme the exciting trip home - 'm'ost of us with runny noses and droopy eyelids' It is not hard to beiieve that this'grouse'trip will be referred ;; ;;l;i n"^t y.utt' Methodist Lidies College visit gives us something new to talk about' Thanks must go.to M.ils Wiifi"*ti" and Miss Keely for their efforts involving this ,rlp'""Ji" ine girls for their magnificent fund-raising eflorts' Jenni Clark
On Wednesday, we had a pleasantly unexpected visit from Mr. Madden ind lamily - who provided extra entertarn- *""i,f-r.""ghout Methodist Ladies College Assembly' The ,qiiitti. Co-mpetition took place for the rest of the day' in ;hi;h *" peiformed admirably, to win all divisions' On W"J"*A"V evening, we all tooi< part in a. massive Display Evening aiong with Methodist Ladies College gymnasts' at *nl"n i"nAiula"ual places from the Artistic Competition were presented:
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