1981 School Magazine

lnteract Report, 1981 I am very pleased to report that the B.G.G.S. lnteract Club has had a dramatic increase in club membership and atten- dance at meetings. This has therefore made it possible for us to partake in many activities and fund-raising events. ln late 1980, the new committee were able to organize a scone stall and a Christmas party at The Royal Brisbane Children's Hospital. These were both highly successful. Our first contribution this year was $ 150 to the school for the purchase of a new musical instrument. A 'get-to-know-you' barbeque was also held fairly quickly, to help new members settle in. The annual Easter Parties were held this year at Montrose Home and Xavier Hospital. Due to overwhelming donations of Easter Eggs, we were also able to donate a substantial amount to the Mater Children's Hospital. The projects continued as next we prepared our feet and walked to Liza Neil's home at Aspley, raising $200 for Inter- national contributions. Due to many challenges from the Boys' Grammar Interact Club, we participated against them in a basketball match. We of course won and by an astronomical amount, and so the poor boys, their egos dented and competitive spirit raging, challenged us once again. The result was a victory for B.G.S. Record amounts were recorded when we combined with B.G.S. for the Red Cross Doorknock Appeal. It was an ex- cellent effort from those who attended. From the Red Cross to pizzas. We held apizza stall at school during lunchtimes and raised approximately $40. Some of our forthcoming events are a food hamper on School Day and the hosting of the Annual District Interact Conference. Our thanks go to Mr. Logan and Mr. Skett, our two represen- tatives from the Windsor Rotary Club, who always sup- ported and helped us, as did their fellow Rotarians. Also thanks to Mrs. Sharma, our Staff representative, and Mrs. Hancock, for their continued support and encouragement. My personal thanks go to the executive committee, who have helped to make my position as President both enjoyable and rewarding. Best of luck to 1982 executive. Julie Cleghorn President

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